I read that half of Americans couldn’t cover an unexpected $1,000 expense. This sounds crazy to me. I understand that poverty exists, but the idea that an adult with a job doesn’t even have that amount saved up seems really strange.

What’s your relationship or philosophy with money? What do you credit for your financial success, or alternatively, what do you blame for your failures?

For the extra brave ones: how much savings do you have, and what are you planning to do with them?

  • @BallsandBayonets
    73 hours ago

    I’ve got $0.85 in savings, because I put my rent and car payment money in my savings account each month until I need to pay those bills. I did at one point have $1000 saved up as a rainy day fun, but then it rained for a whole year (financially speaking). Now I don’t even have credit cards to fall back on, as those have been maxed out and gone to collections. I’m looking for a job in an industry I left because it was driving me to alcoholism (software), but that job market sucks a little more than the service industry, so I’m not optimistic.

    Oh yeah and I’d be homeless if I didn’t have family who were willing and able to loan me rent money.

    • @IMALlama@lemmy.world
      33 hours ago

      I currently work on software in automotive. Everything seems completely insane. We have tons of process and technical debt, executives that are super out of touch and all have their own pet projects, we have hundreds of executives so we have 100 number one priority pet projects, we have a very distributed hardware/software footprint due to the affirmationed process/technical debt, each vehicle has a different hardware footprint which means we constantly have to make our distributed software work when a piece of the software needs to be rebuilt in a new controller, etc etc.

      There’s also the whole mess of trying to run agile at scale, managinga very distributed backlog, trying to balance priorities across teams that have to coordinate work, everyone leading with “how they want it” instead of “what they want”, total disregard for WIP limits, etc.

      I know where I work is a shit show. I really wonder if it’s much better elsewhere. I also wonder if this place has always been a shit show and I just have more exposure to it now.

      And yeah, alcohol. I’m trying to cut back but the mood here seems to violently oscillate between “this is OK” to “what the hell” and back again. We’re probably due for another swing soon.

      Some days I do think about going back to waiting tables. It took me years of working elsewhere to stop having the waiting weeds dreams though…

      • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
        33 hours ago

        I know where I work is a shit show. I really wonder if it’s much better elsewhere.

        Have you seen the state of almost every piece of software nowadays?

        • @IMALlama@lemmy.world
          146 minutes ago

          Hence my wonderment, lol. I meant more organizationally, but if you’re putting out a crappy product things probably aren’t great working there.

  • 2ugly2live
    32 hours ago

    I’ve certainly been worse of, but not I’m not… Great. ButI have a roof over my head and me and the cat are fed. I can enjoy a video game here and there. However, I don’t have $1,000. Not for lack of trying, but things happen (moved, sick cat, broken car, the usual). I personally like to have at least one month of rent, but that doesn’t always happen.

    Sometimes it just works out that everything I need takes everything I have.

  • ⚛️ Color 🎨
    54 hours ago

    Not saying the exact number, but well enough that I could go and buy an X5 right now. I’d rather spend any excess money on charities over materialistic status symbols though, and I’ve donated a lot of money to research charities in particular.

  • @meep_launcher@lemm.ee
    94 hours ago

    I’m digging myself out of a $13k credit card debt hole. I burned through my savings when a job that I had ended on my unexpectedly, and because it was contract work I wouldn’t qualify for benefits. They kept me around as a sub, promising me a full time position if I just stuck around long enough and I was foolish enough to believe them.

    I’m self employed now and making do with the best I can, but I’m planning on ending my dream as a musician/ teacher and moving home. I don’t know who would want my skills, but I know they are specialized and strong. I just gotta see what kind of work would value them.

  • @tomi000@lemmy.world
    94 hours ago

    Im doing pretty well. Living in Germany, educated parents. Did okay in school, never studied much though. Went to university, got my Masters in Mathematics (needed to study a lot for that, but its my passion anyway). Started working at an IT company in the same city.

    3 years later, I have around 50k in savings now. We live in a small apartment, are in the middle of buying a house.

    Capitalism is really fckd up, especially in the US. I try not to take advantage of it too much, up my monthly donations with every raise, vote left-ish, dont support big corporations.

    I think the biggest factor for success is luck for being born under the right circumstances. Thats like 99%, the rest is having some self control.

    • @cheers_queers@lemm.ee
      12 hours ago

      feel ya. i had $8 left before my last payday and I’m guessing it’ll be like that before my next payday too.

  • I am not American, but Austrian. I earn way more money than I spend each month, causing my bank balance to rise over time; I am not going to say exactly how much I have, but €1000 (which is about the same as $1000) is no problem for me to afford when I need it.

    While it’s better than the alternative, it still doesn’t make me very happy because this only helps fulfill the bottom two levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. I wish I could easily earn less money, but have more free time to travel and pursue hobbies, but the system of wage labor is not flexible enough to cover the needs of someone like me.

    • @DrFuggles@feddit.org
      12 hours ago

      Doesn’t Austria have a law that allows employees to reduce hours to part-time as they see fit? We do here in Germany. Last place I worked at, my team lead didn’t want me to reduce from full-time to 80%. The Betriebsrat (employee council) was ready to go to bat for me, but I didn’t like the role anyway, so I interviewed for another place. They offered me 80%, a pay raise, a better role and benefits.

      This might come off as bragging, I realize. Sorry, not my intention. I just wanted to share my experience, maybe it’s useful to someone 😊

  • @GiddyGap@lemm.ee
    35 hours ago

    There are a lot of very poor people in the US compared to other developed countries. There are also a lot more extremely rich people. The inequality is palpable, and it shows in the stats. The US government also doesn’t step in with coverage when it comes to healthcare, unemployment and other emergencies to the same degree as governments in other western countries.

  • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
    45 hours ago

    I can’t cover an unexpected 1k. Thats my entire bank account. Every month my paycheck is eaten by bills and obligations and every other month my rent raises while my salary stays the same. I have 1 dollar in my savings, but a 401k with 5k in it. I also have kids and a wife that stays at home to watch them. May not be the best financially but I can’t actually afford daycare to begin with.

  • @ruckblack@sh.itjust.works
    46 hours ago

    Better than ever. But I hate my job with a deep and burning passion, and I’m pretty deeply burnt out. So I’m not sure what to do. I’m worried that I won’t be able to find anything that pays as well.

  • @Platypus
    25 hours ago

    I have 1k euro left. No job, 35 years old. I wanna kill myself sometimes.

    • @DrFuggles@feddit.org
      22 hours ago

      Please don’t! Do you qualify for state-sponsored training? I know some people who have really improved their situation by taking advantage of the courses the unemployment office offers.

      • @Platypus
        12 hours ago

        Dude I’m not even from here.

  • @exasperation@lemm.ee
    219 hours ago

    What’s your relationship or philosophy with money?

    A life-changing shift to my approach has been to worry about absolute amounts rather than percentages. Saving $10 on a $20 item feels great but ultimately is the same thing as saving $10 on a $500 item (which feels like nothing).

    I grew up lower middle class: never had to worry about not having a roof over my head, but there were times we were somewhat food insecure, and spending money on leisure/entertainment or anything unnecessary for survival was a foreign concept until I got to high school and some my parents’ career moves paid off and put us in upper middle class. It took them a good 10+ years before they could relax a little bit and feel secure with their money, though, and that was as much driven by the fact that their kids were adults who had moved out.

    So life has been about deciding which of my parents’ frugal attitudes and approaches to money to keep and which to discard.

    Things I decided not to adopt:

    • I slowly learned to stop caring as much about wasted food. Food is just cheaper now compared to when I was growing up (even if the last 5 years has shown an uptick), and as a society we have more issues with obesity than hunger, so cleaning off a plate seems like it doesn’t actually do that much good.
    • My time is worth something to me. I will gladly pay the few dollars here and there for convenience.
    • I’m glad I ignored my parents advice to buy a home as soon as I could and build equity or whatever. I rented and it worked out great for me, giving me the flexibility to make changes at different stages of my life.

    Things I kept:

    • Life is uncertain. Always be prepared with whatever you can accumulate for financial resilience: cash, other property, lines of credit, marketable job skills, literal insurance policies, etc. Don’t underestimate the importance of personal relationships, whether it’s “credit” from friends and family who can help you out of a bind, colleagues who can refer work to you, bosses who will fight for your career, etc.
    • Develop your career. Education and credentials are important early on, and up-to-date skills and a good understanding of the landscape in your field (both in the type of job and the type of industry you work in), plus solid relationships with people, can help you know when switching jobs is right for you.

    Things I had to learn on my own:

    • Life is unfair. Many types of unfairness are systematic. So why not position yourself to where the unfairness works in your favor, if available?
    • Higher income makes it easier to survive mistakes on the spending side. To flip around Ben Franklin’s quote, a penny earned is a penny saved.
    • Know yourself and your own laziness. Set up automatic functions wherever possible: automatic bill pay, automatic savings, automatic investments, etc. Steer away from any strategy that requires active management, and towards strategies that tend towards a set it and forget it philosophy.

    I’ve also made a shitload of mistakes, some of them pretty costly, especially back in my 20’s:

    • Paid probably thousands in credit card interest in my early 20’s chasing lifestyle bullshit.
    • Paid thousands in unnecessary car loan interest in my mid 20’s by getting suckered by a dealer.
    • Paid hundreds, maybe thousands, in late fees and interest from forgetting deadlines to pay shit I actually already had the money on hand for.

    I’m rich now, most of it from luck (especially timing), much of it from personal relationships (good family, good marriage, good friends), some of it from actual effort (good grades from a good law school), and some of it from conscious decisions to steer towards my strengths and away from my weaknesses (lazy but smart, prototypical “gifted” slacker with undiagnosed ADHD).

    It took a while to get here, though, and I was financially insecure well into my 30’s. Sorta figured shit out then, and then married someone who complements me pretty well on these things, and covers my blind spots.

    For the extra brave ones: how much savings do you have, and what are you planning to do with them?

    I have some savings, and it’s an emergency fund. It’s representing 1-2 months of typical spending, that could be stretched to 3-4 months if I needed to stop the frivolous spending. But I have credit beyond that, and less liquid assets I’d be able to tap into if I were facing a longer term issue.

    But I’m not saving for any particular thing other than retirement. If things accumulate and grow, great. I’ll make a judgment call on when to retire based on how I feel and how much I have and what I want to do. I anticipate my wife and I will probably want to retire in our early 60’s, based on our anticipated career trajectories and the ages of our children.

    • @dingus@lemmy.world
      15 hours ago

      The but about higher income making it easier to have mistakes is a big one.

      I have a friend online who wants to make money, but doesn’t seem to have the ability to do so without going back to school. Going back to school would incur student loan debt, so they do not wish to do so.

      I have a crazy amount of student loan debt, maybe $150k. But people don’t understand that federal student loan debt is absolutely nothing like credit card debt. There are basically no downsides to it besides paying another monthly bill (that you can use an income based repayment plan for).

      People don’t understand how incredibly useful excess income is even if it ends up with a lot of loan debt. I had a similar hesitancy back before I went back to school, but I don’t regret it at all. I think I ended up like tripling my income.

      Even if you end up with a lot of loans, making say $80k/yr is astronomically easier to survive on than $40k/yr for example. You have to think that something like rent or food prices are going to be somewhat similar in your area no matter how much you make. Sure, you could choose to live in a lavish place I suppose, but if you live reasonably then it’s more than worth it.

      As an example, the average rent price for a not shitty one bedroom apartment in my area is maybe around $1.6k, which would equate to $19.2k/yr. That’s almost 50% of the gross income of the person making $40k/yr while only around 25% of the person making $80k/yr. So even if the person making $80k/yr has a $1k/mo student loan bill (you can get it cheaper if you wish), the difference is dramatic.

      The person making $40k/yr will have a little over $20k left over at the end of the year for remaining expenses and savings, but the person making $80k/yr will have more than double that at $48k left over. Obviously there are a lot of nuances in this but still.

      So it’s absolutely worth it to incur federal student loan debt if it means you will make a lot more more money. Private loan debt is a bit different.

    • @ContrarianTrail@lemm.eeOP
      59 hours ago

      Really interesting read. Thanks for the response.

      Why do you only have a few months’ worth of savings despite considering yourself rich? Or are you just speaking about cash reserves?

      • @exasperation@lemm.ee
        78 hours ago

        Or are you just speaking about cash reserves?

        Yes. Cash reserves are like unused RAM to me: I have it, so I might as well put it to work. If it turns out I need it somewhere else, I can always go rearrange things to make that possible.

        Realistically, I think I’m rich because my wife and I both have strong ability to command high salaries, switch jobs, etc., even in a pretty severe downturn. The main things that might tank the value of that expected future cash flow are disability or death, and we at least insure against those.

        We also only need one of our two incomes to support our lifestyle, so we have a certain resilience that just comes from having that buffer. At our current ages, we also already have substantial retirement savings, so we have some resilience there, too.

  • @intensely_human@lemm.ee
    58 hours ago

    I was right on the edge of being able to pay rent on time, for the first time in six months.

    Then a family member arrived in town and has been staying with me. His other option is staying on the street or in a shelter, both options of which make his health issues worse. This has disrupted my sleep and psychological rest, resulting in me being able to work less.

    Also, I got rear ended while stopped at a red light last week, giving me a concussion. This has also reduced the amount I can work.

    I’m extremely worried about my financial status. I cannot cover the expenses I have, let alone any unexpected new expenses.

    I’m squarely on the road to being homeless, unless a miracle happens.