Just about every common food option for thanksgiving is mediocre. Turkey is dry and flavorless unless you drench it in salt. Cranberry sauce is awful. Not only does dressing (stuffing) look unappealing it also tastes just as bad. And pumpkin pie could be better. Casserole and mash potatoes are alright but nothing to just fond over. The only good meal is mac and cheese and that ONLY depends on who’s cooking it. The 4th of July is the superior holiday in terms of food.

  • BallsandBayonets
    7 months ago

    As others have said, it’s all based on how good the cook is. Since the food is so ubiquitous, everyone tries to make it, even when they’d be better off throwing a frozen pizza in the oven.

    Except pumpkin pie, that is the only thing that is impossible to be bad. Mediocre, sure, but always worth eating. (Just drown the crust in whipped cream if it’s store-bought.)