Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at house. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread.
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There was a discussion last night with friends of my parents about the state of LGBTQ rights.
Among them was this
I don’t discriminate in my private practice
When I brought up how we’re going through the 2nd Lavender Scare with all the anti LGBTQ laws and attention to focus on that rather than how screwed we are, and a 3rd Red Scare demonizing Russia and China again. He was completely ignorant like I was talking greek. I said it wasn’t so much an -ism fight as it is competing economies and resources. Like what happens when you sanction half the world’s supply given the vast resources of BRICS with China and Russia? Prices go up - supply and demand. That was easy to grasp.
But when I pointed out to how people wouldn’t support something like this without something to blame that triggered his
and he went off all "but there’s resistance in Russia!
When I said yeah the dude is a merc. He gets paid. We probably paid him.
At that point I reminded him and now he’s dead. They blew up his plane because he crossed Putin and comitted treason when there’s a long history of that happening. Now all that money is dead.
He went off to huff elsewhere for the rest of the night.
But seriously I was at awe how these older people who grew up throught the last Cold War couldn’t grasp the current events because they’re programmed so damed hard to defend the empire and forget history as it repeats itself before their very eyes in real time.
regarding Prigozhin, I highly doubt the Russian government were responsible for the assassination; it would’ve been terrible PR for the BRICS meeting and they could’ve easily kept him imprisoned after the coup attempt if they wanted him neutralized
Prigozhin had information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton