Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at house. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread.
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There was a discussion last night with friends of my parents about the state of LGBTQ rights.
Among them was this
I don’t discriminate in my private practice
When I brought up how we’re going through the 2nd Lavender Scare with all the anti LGBTQ laws and attention to focus on that rather than how screwed we are, and a 3rd Red Scare demonizing Russia and China again. He was completely ignorant like I was talking greek. I said it wasn’t so much an -ism fight as it is competing economies and resources. Like what happens when you sanction half the world’s supply given the vast resources of BRICS with China and Russia? Prices go up - supply and demand. That was easy to grasp.
But when I pointed out to how people wouldn’t support something like this without something to blame that triggered his
and he went off all "but there’s resistance in Russia!
When I said yeah the dude is a merc. He gets paid. We probably paid him.
yeah but he got paid good.
At that point I reminded him and now he’s dead. They blew up his plane because he crossed Putin and comitted treason when there’s a long history of that happening. Now all that money is dead.
He went off to huff elsewhere for the rest of the night.
But seriously I was at awe how these older people who grew up throught the last Cold War couldn’t grasp the current events because they’re programmed so damed hard to defend the empire and forget history as it repeats itself before their very eyes in real time.
regarding Prigozhin, I highly doubt the Russian government were responsible for the assassination; it would’ve been terrible PR for the BRICS meeting and they could’ve easily kept him imprisoned after the coup attempt if they wanted him neutralized
Prigozhin had information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton
Quick someone respond this so that I don’t have 88 notifications any more
I don’t like it
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I hate how the media gives everything coming from Ukraine a nickname. I saw a video about a pregnant women in the army and the media said: ‘they call her the Ukrainian Joan of Arc’. Like fuck off no one is doing that probably.
Ukrainian Joan of Arc
Ghost of Kyiv
Russian ‘General of Terror’
Ukrainian Potato of Eternal suffering, heir of the third Nebula, bringer of Justice, brother of Dave
It’s marketing, pure and simple
You know your civilisation is on the brink of collapse when you hand all power to people whose job is to make things up in the service of a higher power.
The National Owners Association said franchisees, suppliers and McDonald’s “must engage to support our California McFamily”
what’s happening in congo?
Fucking fantastic, yet another private “festival” has fenced off the public park near me, blocking access for 2 full months. And of course it’s never the public parks in richer areas that get taken over by this bullshit! These bastards enclose a supposedly public area and charge $30 a head to wander around a public fucking park looking at plastic pumpkins while listening to a mix of generic spooky music and Disney soundtracks. Not to mention they leave their garbage all over the place and tear up everything driving around in giant pickups. Yesterday I accidentally wandered into their cordon because they hadn’t finished fencing it and I had a couple dipshits escort me out by driving behind me to make sure I didn’t look at their shitty fake jack o’ lanterns.
Apologies for the rant but it pisses me the fuck off
What a bunch of assholes
Anyone know if DPRK has resorts? Given its position it probably has some coastal areas that could be nice. Now that Europe is closed, gotta look for alternatives
Unforunately no eng subtitles, but this guy went on a guided tour in the DPRK recently, might give an idea on what might be doable.
As far as the language barrier, there should also be a large number of tour guides who speak Russian as well.
War museum pictures here too.
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I know they have that cool waterpark
I used to have an Indonesian classmate who went skiing at a resort in the DPRK one time.
Any word on how it was? I’m worried about the language barrier
A lot of DPRK government officials speak English apparently. It was never a problem for my classmate.
It’s been an anniversary of the coup, hasn’t it?
When politicians say that the state is inefficient at managing whatever stuff, arent they implicitely saying that they themselves are fucking incompetent?
For some reason, when I put my delinquent trust fund cousin in charge of the health department, they fuck up constantly. I love my cousin, therefore state bad. >:(
"Well we gutted the health department and now the public clinics are performing worse than private ones, clearly it means privatisation is the key to success "
In one of the communities where our party is in the government we managed to make sanitary products for women’s periods free in schools and libraries and other public buildings. And people are mad about it somehow 😭😭
Like, how can you be mad at free shit man
My company has a container of tampons in every men’s washrooms and most coworkers that have talked about this hate it and think it should be removed lmao
Like it’s literally just a tiny plastic tray of cotton? Man tf up Jesus
that’s like being mad about toilet paper in restrooms
you’re a communist because you’re a nerd
i’m a communist because i want to form the MiCCP Republic
we are the same because the dialetics must spread
What does Mi stand for?
first syllable of the great state of MiCCP
Embracing Sam Reimi thought
I tested positive for COVID. My brain feels like its leaking out of my skull.
Have you checked your lungs yet?
No. My breathing doesn’t seem affected, strangely. It’s just a lot of fatigue and a very strange feeling in my head.
Well that’s not bad, is it? Good breathing I mean. Best of wishes with your recovery!
If I ever become head of state in a communist dictatorship I’m banning humidity. It’s at 83% right now. Just sitting and slowly chewing my food makes me feel like standing in a shower.
yea humidity makes it awful. like i prefer a 40 degree temperature with low humidity than a 30 degree with high humidity. it fucking sucks taking a shower and coming out sweating 😂
Humidity also makes cold feel worse. For example -10C in Leningrad feels nightmarish, while the same temperature in, say, Kogalym would see people walking around with no hats
My place of work had a huge banner of Allende on the front of their building today
I wish we did stuff like that, but I live in Texas, so the closest we’ll get is someone flying the Chilean flag thinking it’s the Texas flag