As white supremacists from as far as Canada revel in intimidating Sunshine State residents, critics blast DeSantis for his silence

  • I'm back on my BS 🤪
    7410 months ago

    Please stop trying to rationalize with them. Please stop tolerating their hate. These people don’t care about logic or morality. The guy in the photo at the Nazi rally with the tatted face and meth teeth blames his problems on Jews. They only understand power. That’s all they know. That’s the only way they’ll be stopped.

    With that said, can some of y’all come down here to Florida? We’ve got a Nazi problem that’s getting out of control and can use some support. They’ve been here this whole time in hiding, but since the government has recently been tolerant of their intolerance, they’re coming out in pride. They’re cowards that blame their own issues on vulnerable people. They don’t blame their problems on dominant peoples or cultures in power, just the minorities. So, with enough show of strength, they’ll go back into hiding or move away to Argentina.

    Look at their little insurrection attempt. One Capitol officer misled them due to their lack of organization, and another officer fired one round. All it took was a distraction to jack up their plans and one shot for them to tuck tail and run. A coup failed due to a deception and one bullet.

    Imagine if the real Nazis would have been stopped before they built their war machine. That’s where we’re at right now. Things can get soooo much worse if we allow them time to gain more power.

    • Pelicanen
      10 months ago

      With that said, can some of y’all come down here to Florida? We’ve got a Nazi problem that’s getting out of control and can use some support.

      I don’t mean to be negative but what can other people do? I feel like it’ll be difficult to motivate the average non-racist to move to a place where they might have worse job prospects, get ostracized for their political/social views, and get both harassed and potentially arrested/killed by the police for trying to protest against racism.

        • Pelicanen
          110 months ago

          What’s the implication here? Mass-shooting of right-wing extremists that martyr them and give fuel to further restrict and punish sane people?

            • Pelicanen
              10 months ago

              Talk is cheap. The real-world implications of mass-murder are not as easy as one would like to imagine.

              What do you think is more likely, that the powers that be go “Oh, they were nazis, that’s fine then” or “Look, the left are the violent ones, we need to take away the rights of anyone who associates with them!”?

                • Pelicanen
                  10 months ago

                  While I would otherwise probably reiterate that it’s pretty easy to type in words on a keyboard compared to actually having to go through with actual actions, I see the real world and how it functions might not be interesting enough for you so I’ll pass. Have a nice day.

                  110 months ago

                  The world used to be a chaotic hellhole for all of humans existence minus the last few decades.

                  This is a somewhat disingenuous take on history as a whole. History is a lot less chaotic than one might expect. A lot of the common conception is a little like how the news focuses on crimes and violence. Like people honestly don’t realize how much the average European peasantry of the 1200’s could actually read or write… Not because they were spending their time penning novels but because of how litigious they were. Cities often created weird exceptions but even in the height of people being executed for minor crimes that violence was more or less concentrated to major cities particularly population centers that hosted the ruling class and those laws were mostly enforced on their dime because of a desire for orderliness in their own backyard.

                  While there are some advancements in development of ethical principles of law, rights of people to be recognized by the ruling elite, lots of healthcare and quality of life advancements particularly in food supply and sanitation … But as far as your average human goes adjusted for Governmental sanctioned violence and suppression of women we are about as individually as violent as we ever were. Some of the medieval violence even seems weirdly quaint by comparison. Particularly some of the anecdotes from the more successful uprisings of the peasant classes from way back. The Victorians were actually quite successful in red washing a lot of history to make it seem much more brutal and horrible than it was… While ignoring their own fairly callous expansions of empire.

                  Applying this desire to kill or be killed as a inviolable part of human nature isn’t supportable. In general the majority of people will put up with quite a lot trying to remain safe and non-violent until it becomes clear that things are getting worse beyond fixing and they reach a more universal concensus that they have a potential future beyond a period of violence.

                  Basically the sanction of violence being the domain of government agents only is your main hurdle. You’d be much more likely to find support in fining their asses into oblivion so they have no free time to march.

      410 months ago

      Sorry to say but I’ve made it clear to even my employer that Florida is a no go for me. To the point where I will seek out flights that do not have layovers there if it comes to that. Being trans and having the use of bathrooms outlawed forces my hand. A ton of industry conferences are leaving the state as soon as their contracts are up.

    • Dee
      2410 months ago

      Lotta meth in the Nazi party, looks like a bit of meth mouth and a side of tobacco dipping to me.

        210 months ago

        From a distance you think is the bigoted dumbass seriously walking around in blackface? If you’re unfortunate enough to get closer the context changes but the message remains the same, bigoted dumbass.

        1510 months ago

        Among other things. I doubt that there would have been any tolerance for his teeth or his tattoos. Also, he would not have been able to convince anyone that he belongs to the same race. He would have been exterminated along with the people he detests.

        510 months ago

        Given equal numbers and technological prerequisites I would believe that old Nazis were more dangerous. Neo Nazis are just brutal lowlifes who usually turn to a hateful ideology in order to create the illusion of being basically valuable and good but held back or even oppressed by [INSERT MINORTITY]. Old Nazis were so invested in their collective psychopathic worldview that they could regard the extermination of others as something that may be pleasant or very hard or even sad but in any way just neccessary, so it had to be done.

        810 months ago

        Being a Nazi is not an opinion. It’s choosing an ideology of violence. It’s fundamentally an intentional violent act. Being a member should make you an accessory to a hate crime, and be investigated for criminal conspiracy if they come within a mile of a weapon.

    2510 months ago

    Just the Disney pullout of their Orlando corporate campus has lost the state a billion in taxable spending. Add to that the cancellation of multiple large conventions and the elimination of consideration for future conventions. Thousands of other businesses, organizations and tourists are cancelling trips and avoiding Florida and this is going to add up to an enormous sum that the state will never recover.

    Lots of conservatives may be fascists, but I’d be willing to bet their attachment to their own economic comfort is stronger than their ideology. IMO Florida’s had enough of DeSantis and he is going to soon join Scott Walker in political oblivion.

    • Cethin
      1310 months ago

      Also, the military will likely remove bases there and will not expand existing ones or build new ones. They’re doing so much damage to the state, yet the voters can’t see it somehow.

        1110 months ago

        Voters are schmucks unfortunately and a sizable portion won’t be alive to see the consequences.

    • BornVolcano
      1610 months ago

      One of the reasons I love that I’m in Germany rn. You don’t get people casually joking about Nazis then laughing it off like it’s nothing. It is literally against the law, and people treat that topic with actual respect.

        • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
          310 months ago

          Jesus fucking Christ. I’d say that’s worse than Florida in some ways. There was an incident where 50 teenagers went looking for black people to kill!? That’s straight up klan behavior! What the actual fuck!?

        • ormr
          210 months ago

          That’s right, it depends on the place. Very much boils down to rural vs. urban (as in so many countries) but it’s also a bit worse in Eastern Germany.

          However the comment above is not wrong, in that there are definitive limits to free speech in German law so that you have more legal levers against nazis before they turn to violence.

    • GreenBottles
      310 months ago

      we have this thing called freedom of speech that allows them to do a lot of the things they do

        310 months ago

        It’s more that the US is all about personal liberty and personal freedoms. Other places that you’re referring to have a charter of rights, which still allow for personal freedoms but are also constructed to protect minorities or at risk groups, like Jewish people.

        That said the Bill of Rights that the Americans produced was first of it’s kind and amazing. Personally I just don’t think they got it quite right and charter of rights take into account the personal liberties of all people and not just the dominant majority.

    • English Mobster
      10 months ago

      Freedom of speech. Everyone is able to be heard, even if their opinions are distasteful. It’s what the US was built on and why people can fly swastikas and wear klan hoods without being arrested.

      They can only be arrested if they commit a crime, not because their views are horrible. You can walk down the street yelling racial slurs at everyone and that’s perfectly legal as long as you aren’t being violent or inciting others to violence.

      That doesn’t mean society has to tolerate them - counter-protesting is alive and well, and Nazis have been fired from their jobs for their views. But the government can’t arrest them simply for being Nazis.

        1610 months ago

        I mean, we also have freedom of speech here in Germany. There are (harsh) limitations around hate speech and insults but besides that you can say what you want.

        What’s also a definite no are nazi symbols. Swastikas, SS runes, nazi salutes, etc. are only ever allowed in the context of education and art (like period films and as of fairly recently, games).

        We also still do have regular day to day nazis in Germany and sadly the far right party AfD has been growing in numbers over the last few years, taking a lot of inspiration from US republicans in their talking points and rhetoric. Since July they are in a county government for the first time, having only ever been an opposition party until then.

        Germany wasn’t built on the principles of freedom (of speech) but that human dignity is inviolable. That’s Art. 1 of our constitution. Only Art. 2 then defines personal freedom.

        710 months ago

        Yelling slurs at people should be conaidered as psychological violence.

        I mean, that’s why a lot of counties have hate speech laws.

        410 months ago

        Is “Jews get the rope” an incitement to violence? Because these recent rallies seem to be hitting very close to what are the commonly-accepted limits on free speech in America.

        • Dr. Bluefall
          110 months ago

          Unfortunately, it’s limited to “direct, imminent threats of violence”. What we’d consider stochastic terrorism currently skirts by under American law. I wish it were different, but it is not.

  • vrojak
    1610 months ago

    The guy in the picture definitely wouldn’t be among the first to be killed by the original Nazi Party. Absolute master race material right there.

    10 months ago

    Imagine being so ignorant that you allow yourself to be a bought-and-paid-for zombie foot-soldier of one of the most ineffective politicians to ever embarrass himself into hopeful irrelevance.

    Whenever I get down about how my life is going- it always helps to know that I’m not one of these dipshits.

    10 months ago

    white supremacists from as far as Canada

    Summoned by intracontinental ballistic dog whistles

    1110 months ago

    Hitler had a dim view of Anglos and Americans in general. He would have given these Neo Nazis a one way train ticket to the concentration camps.

    1010 months ago

    Are these american nazis aware their grandads killed nazis? I’ve always found it bizarre they fell down that rabbit hole.

      1110 months ago

      There was a Nazi party here in the US and a lot of people admired Hitler when he was rebuilding Germany. There were even some members of the press that expressed admiration when they covered the reforms he did.

      Privilege can let you get away with a lot of things. There were concentration camps for Japanese-American citizens but none for German or Italian. For the Italians they were asked to persuade their extended families in Italy to stop fighting against us. I’m not sure what was asked for the Germans. My source is from documentaries I’ve seen (I really like this one).

        310 months ago

        There was widespread racism directed at Italian Americans that ran for decades. My grandmother’s mortgage from 1955 had language referring to Italian America quotas that needed to be referenced so they were not exceeded. That meant the town had to sign off on Italian Americans buying the home.

        German is the most common ancestry in America which is likely why we did nothing about German Americans.

          110 months ago

          My dude, there were anti German riots in the Midwest during the 19th century.

          The xenophobia has always been focused on the latest group to migrate.

            110 months ago

            Yes but by the 20th century that had changed which is why German camps weren’t a thing.

            In the Italians case they weren’t the last but they were the last group of “white” people. White on white racism gets weird.

        110 months ago

        From what I learned talking to many WWII vets of German descent, they pretty much all said, “welp our cousins are starting shit again, time to go give them a spanking,” and signed up for service in droves even before Pearl Harbor. Lots of Teddy R. fans in that group.

        510 months ago

        People have studied the Holocaust and the Nazi rise to power in great detail.

        The problem is the media diet of these bigots doesn’t include the typical educational information someone like me got growing up.

        This is the results Sinclair media and Fox News.