He doesn’t deserve the name Keanu. They should make him change his name to donald.
This comment has an incredibly powerful vibe to it but I can’t quite place it. Reddit vibes maybe? It almost feels like parody
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How did this go undetected? Dorm rooms don’t exactly have the best privacy.
A bunch of campus housing is empty during the summer months, depending on what city you are in.
There is a dorm an hour north of me that gets rented out for staff housing needed during local festivals, I stayed there when I had that job.
Yeah good question!
Someone else answered plausibly. But I have a different question. How did he think he could even begin to get away with this? I know some of the answers to that before anyone answers, but even still… wtf was he thinking?
After finding texts, pictures and social media content that “infuriated” him, Labatte grabbed her phone and kept it away from her for days, the complaint says. She was strangled, threatened with a knife, forced to lie in a bathtub while Labatte covered her face with a washcloth and poured water on her, and sexually assaulted in her dorm room from Thursday to Saturday, it adds.
Good. This guy is a threat.
My major concern is that a few years of prison will just make him a worst human being, because he already seems like a shitstain.
I’m not sure there is reform for a person like this.
Yeah, I’m all about making prison about actually reforming people instead of just to hurt them, but I totally agree. You can murder someone and be more redeemable than if you tortured someone over several days. Many chances to realize what you’re doing is awful, and you should stop.
There’s most certainly a pathological issue at work here. Any from of improvement would definitely need to include heavy psychology evaluation and medication
If you have daughters please train them in self defense. Best to train it young and encourage it as a hobby into adulthood. It’s better than weapons and more effective. Breaking an assailant’s arm comes with way less PTSD than shooting someone.
Edit: I am a fan of living a self reliant life. It’s a very wholesome and well rounded way to live. Carl Sagan promoted it and it is a solid way to actually live free rather than under the falsities of the self proclaimed “main stream” portion of society. Self Defense is a major part of that. Self defense also does not mean being a master of it, just enough to get away safely.
Edit2: Yea this post isn’t victim blaming. There are many benefits to self defense including confidence building. You are literally empowering your kids. Idk why people don’t like doing that except to control them. Again, teaching self defense isn’t teaching violence. If you don’t know the difference it would be enlightening to discover it.
I don’t disagree but I think it’s a lot easier for me to teach my son not to be a rapist. At 7 he understands boundaries. It’s not hard.
Yeah… too bad you can’t teach other people’s sons not to be rapists - they’re the ones you’ve gotta worry about
Better yet we do both. Hell we should also be spreading awareness and providing programs to help support people to prevent and recover from incidents like this. It’s a complex social issue so it should be tackled from all directions simultaneously
Completely agreed. I don’t think anybody is out here saying “teach people to defend themselves but don’t even bother trying to teach people not to assault others”
Let’s also not forget that a certain percentage of people are simply fucked up beyond repair, no matter how they are raised.
So teaching women basic self defense is absolutely the way to go.
I want to live in a world, where this piece of shit tries to rape someone and ends up with a broken nose, arm and exploded nutsack.
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You’re presenting that as a gotcha moment? Just wait until you realize… that schools already teach you not to rape. Almost like a baseline level of functioning in society… requires you to be aware of basic rules like don’t rape or murder?
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How old are your kids?
How about instead we train boys that they do not own women, nor do they have a right to demand women obey them.
Teach your children well.
Both. Both is an option because you can’t train the monster out of some people.
No. Girls/women should not be held accountable for what boys/men do.
Teach your sons better.
Yeah and we shouldn’t wear seatbelts because we shouldn’t be held accountable for what some other drunken idiot does on the road
Yeah, maybe you’re right, but you need to accept the reality that you can’t control the actions of others and that you should still take precautionary measures to protect yourself
Why are we pretending that this is just an inherent quality that needs to be taught out rather than a serious deviation from the norm? “Teach people not to murder” yeah, uh, we do, and unreasonable people still murder.
Also if your only solution is “everybody SHOULD do X”, you’ve already failed. Reality is that we are so far away from everybody doing the “right” thing that refusing to take any basic precautions is just setting somebody up to get hurt.
It’s like telling people they don’t need to bring bear spray on hikes in a bear infested wood because the bears shouldn’t try to hurt you.
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I am pretty sure there are people with the impulse control of a bear. These are probably not the same people discussing these matters over Internet
Yes, and there are plenty of people out there with things medically wrong with them which will cause them to act out violently. It’s only wise to prepare for a potential run-in with one of these people. Whether they “should” act out against you or not.
Unreasonable murderers are not the norm tho.
Men thinking they can control women is far more common, and the cure for that is parents teaching their kids that shit won’t be tolerated.
Yeah, but I don’t trust other parents to actually teach their sons that. So I will still have to teach my daughters to defend themselves against those kind of people.
Lol. Yeah. I was more comparing murder to rape. I don’t know where you live, but where I live, men raping women is not normalized.
Because it IS enough men who participate in these behaviors to qualify as more than an aberration.
Reading comprehension, try and find some.
I agree with the sentiment, some people won’t be raising their sons right. And, while we need to push those people, we also need to be real about the world we live in otherwise girls and women are going to get hurt. There are bad people. telling them to be better won’t make them be better, won’t make them go away, and won’t make you safe from them. Its about as useful as thoughts and prayers.
Preparing your kids for the dangers of the world is not “holding them accountable.”
Some people have mental health issues of various forms, learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury… there are lots of other reasons you should still be able to defend yourself. The training from other parents doesn’t negate the threat. Don’t advocate for being helpless.
Because we can’t train other people’s kids- but we can train our own.
Exactly. So parents should train their sons to not be rapey manipulative violent assholes.
Wrap it up everyone, we’ve stopped rapists by…
checks notes
being condescending about it on the internet
But you can’t guarantee they’re doing it- so train your daughter to kick some ass.
And for the record, I was never trained to not be a rapey manipulative asshole, and I’m none of those things, so let’s stop with the blanket statements.
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I’m not even bothering with this. It’s too fucking stupid.
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Fitting username.
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I’m so glad the public school system has completely eliminated rape
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I thought you said the existence of schools had eliminated rape, which is it?
Okay. But also, if you have a son teach them that women are not objects that owe them sex if they follow some script in their head.
I agree with this, but I also think it would be a good idea to teach them how to defend themselves with weapons as well. There are certain situations where legally it will be less of a problem for you if you just kill the threat. You don’t want to end up paying your would-be rapists medical bills over some dumb technicality.
Imagine the pathetic life of the two people that downvoted this comment.
My daughter has been learning defense since she was 8, went through different classes including MMA. She’s such a sweet kid and runs away from danger, but she’s got enough to fight with if it ever comes to it. Still wish I could follow her around looking mean everywhere she goes. But if a guy ever did this to her, I would deal with him myself.
A good self defense class teaches people to run first and fight only when you’re cornered, so she’s learning the right lesson.
This is unrealistic victim-blaming.
Teach your sons to control themselves and your daughters to go hard for the balls.
Breaking soneone’s arm doesn’t help your K/D ratio. Do you want your daughter going to her grave with a 0/1 like a noob?
That’s the kind of kid you want to check around his neighborhood for dead animals.
Dead girls too, waterboarding is no joke
He looks like he is going to get a Manson style swastika on his forehead in prison.
If his eyes were any closer together he would be a mosquito.
Why did I assume he was guilty the second the picture loaded?? 😂
He looks about how I expected
Like a normal person? Not a good metric. I’m sure there are plenty of creepy looking dudes who wouldn’t dream of water-boarding you for days.
Mostly meant the dirt stache and the greasy hair, but you’re right that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. This book seems like a real prick though
Every NB queer in Portland rocks this look and they’re chill as hell
Stop shaming people’s looks just because they did something bad.
What if a great person happens to look like this dude and reads this?
Poor humor joke ahead: That person would realize they should shave their mustache and switch to a medicated shampoo
I have amazingly poor facial recognition, but this guy reminds me of Adam Driver.
No. What this guy did was horrifying, not “something bad.”
You can say he looks like a scumbag because he is a scumbagThe fact that it’s horrifying doesn’t change the fact that it’s not related to their looks.
Oh no don’t make fun of how the guy that raped and tortured his girlfriend looks! He has feeling too!
Edit. Hot damn, you idiots are actually defending this guy. What the fuck?
I think people are more defending others who may look like him, but haven’t committed heinous crimes.
Poor babies. White knighting for no reason.
I can see the argument. He’s a terrible person for the things he’s done, not for the way he looks, let’s focus on his actions instead of vilifying anyone who might look similar but not have done those things.
50 shades of rape