What did I do to deserve his love? I would give my life for him 😭🙌
Mickey and Me forever
What did I do to deserve his love? I would give my life for him
That’s what. 🥰
🥰 He is beautiful! Jealous of all you DTers with your snuggly quirky pets!
He knows a beautiful soul when he sees one. 💞
What a floofy boy ❤️
Pigeons are my favourite bird, of all the birds. I love their coo-ing sound they make, and how derpy they look.
Plus, Australia has a bunch of native ones. My favourite is the Crested Pigeon - they have little mohawks and squeak when they take off.
Look at these beautiful pigeons! https://www.australiaswonderfulbirds.com.au/pigeons
Look at the superb fruit dove and see the beauty of pigeons lol
I will never forgive the pigeon that stole my whopper junior (with cheese) at fed square at 3am many moons ago. I wasn’t in the best state so it wasn’t a fair fight.
The resident magpie down here takes them out for sport which I fully support.
I love the crested ones, aka Punk Pigeons. So squeaky!
SQUEE squee squee ^squee squee squee^
crested pigeons have taken up nest at the Carlton Gardens , they love the areas with gum trees best
Wow, I didn’t realise we had so many pigeons, and pretty ones too!
Heading back to Melbourne after 10 days in the tropics. Pray for me 🙏🏻
I don’t think they’re putting as much carlo in the monty’s anymore. There’s quite the gap, it used to be all the way to the edge.
I’ve virtually given up on bought biscuits. They taste like disappointment and cost too damn much for my liking. For years I told myself, “biscuits only seemed bigger when I was little because I was smaller,” looking at you Wagon Wheels and Golden Rough. Now I can no longer deny, the shrinkflation and overall stinginess is real. It was literally just a few years ago that I’d buy a couple of packets of biscuits per week on special as a treat for the family. Now each packet, on special, costs what those two packets combined used to, and I’m getting less? I’m going to have a crack at home-made
Look, everyone says they want arnotts cream assortment but a big ol’ ice cream tub full of Anzac biscuits does just fine.
Use white s sugar instead of brown and you get chewy instead of crunchy.
So true. Homemade is better. I tend to only make small batches and they’re all gone by the end of the day with no evidence to show for my labours 😆
Hahaha i made a batch of anzacs that the husband was all “I won’t eat any” yeah guess who just made a tentative request that maybe wifey make it a thing to bake winter biscuits he could have some of pretty pretty please with oats on top?
That’s what I thought when I bought a burger from maccas one time.
I thought maybe I had a bad memory and had grown up but I’m pretty sure the burgers has shrunk in size over time.
Big macs are the same size as when I worked there late 90s.
Trampoline park not fun. Awkward with new friend. Wouldn’t be surprised if I never hear from him again lol.
I need sleep. Sorry to be a downer.
It can’t have been that bad! Surely the trampoline park had its ups and downs.
Is it to early to go to bed?
It looks pretty dark out there must be night soon go ahead
Not at all. I’m doing it asap.
I’m definitely feeling the sleepy vibes today. The green tea is calming me down more than anything… good night.
Went for a random drive in this awful weather (which I quietly love) with no destination and found myself stopping into bingo. I’ve missed the first 2 sessions but there are still 2 remaining so LESSGOOOOO
They call me the big baller bingo caller. They call me big mack daddy dabber. They call me Nanna’s Bane, ender of the elderly.
Nanna’s Bane 😹😹😹
I may have overindulged with my grocery shopping today.
I have an odd mixture of stuff and not really a solid plan but needless to say I have a lot of chicken drumsticks and a lot of sausages.
Also bacon prices went up I think. Also getting too expensive to buy :(
I’m new to buying bacon as I have been making leek and bacon pies. Those pies are the most expensive to make. No idea how expensive bacon is meant to be. The bacon bits, while convenient, didn’t seem to be good quality so I buy big packets of Aussie rashers. $11 for 400 g, . I think that’s $2 a slice 🤷♀️ But those pies are real good and I make about 8.
I bought 1kg for 12 from Aldi today. Short cut variety.
Going to be using them in sandwiches with eggs. Maybe onion too but I need to keep the onions for the curry.
It’ll be all worth it though.
oh fuck, i forgot to order onions in my shopping
Mmm if you can pie you can quiche. Tomato basil quiche is of the divine. You can also get more bang if you use those leeks with tarragon and chicken for delish pies. (I use thickened cream in the gravy, numnumnum)
These have come up very nicely! No abrasives needed, just a damn good oil soak. Their weighting is perfect. Modern tools so oft suck.
I’m a modern tool.
149 Gipps St, Abbotsford
What kind of oil?
Hemp. Simply because it was on hand.
You need TWO ball peen hammers? Or are they display copies only???
Different weights different uses. I prob have little use for the larger, but these are some of the few physical objects I’ll get from Father.
Ah, understood. Cherish them.
ugh, had a nasty nightmare about anxiety. I was packing to travel and husband was impeding me, making me late, making me anxious. I got angry.
Gratitude thread :)
Saw my friend from Sydney last night. She gave me Jesus soap and put some in our friend’s shower for shits and gigs.
going to a trampoline park today which hopefully should be fun
my aunt told me she’s getting a puppy in two weeks and I’m so excited to meet her
also I found out who the girl was from work yesterday. Turns out she sometimes goes by a different name to what she introduced herself as. I wasn’t going insane :D
Worked out that riding my m’cycle to/from work is a great self-regulator, even with getting annoyed in traffic. (Pls no fines this week.)
Great banter with people who get you right off the bat… It’s not often, so I do forget how much it fills my tumbler.
While not invalidating my gripes, I 100% know how good I have it. Not really for want of anything, roof, warmth, bed, friends, acquaintances, privilege of engaging in most desires and hobbies and a little bit of work if I want that little bit more. Can’t have it all (right now?), but what I have I am entirely grateful for. Even when I’m being a brat.
I am grateful I never need meet my in-laws. Stories like Seagoon’s hit hard. Blood Family is not immune from general bastardry and does not deserve anything automatically.
- I learnt how to use a lighter (I don’t smoke and I’ve generally not been able to have candles or incense, so I’ve just never learnt how to use one).
- I fell asleep really quickly.
- I got a new laptop charger to replace my old one which was a cheap knockoff that wouldn’t stay in the wall (it would fall out).
- I woke up at 8, but was able to get back to sleep and stay asleep until 11
- Amazon put my favourite brand and flavour of rice crackers back in stock so I got them for a 60 cent discount compared to the supermarket
I am grateful I have no responsibilities today and can go to bed at 8pm if I feel like it.
Also for early 80’s transformers cartoons.
And Gibson as per
Did you go to bed at 8pm?
Breakfast 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
A pigeon pie pls.
the birds are still in bed
A bowl of delicious vegetable soup with crusty bread and a nice ripe camembert to smear on it. With coffee please Bacon.
Yum. Thank you.
A nice salmon and cream cheese bagel would do the trick, plz chef. And a latte, because Melbourne. 😂
Blinis & sour cream please
Ok that was an incredible sleep lol
Rainy day rule requires me to sit in bed and play games whilst watching SCP videos.
Also if you were into the first A Perfect Circle album, check out Billy Howerdell’s solo album from 2022
Just woke up from my 4pm nap. FML.
Hi friend it’s me your twin. Just stay in bed 😪
I almost went for a 6pm nap earlier
wind’s howling
God, it was so strong last night! Thought the tree was gonna fall over…