I’m digging anarchists’ more hands on, pragmatic approach to politics. I finished The Conquest of Bread a couple of weeks ago and I’m currently working my way through Bullshit Jobs. Any suggestions about theory, praxis, mutual aid, etc. would be appreciated

  • iriyan@lemmy.ml
    27 days ago


    Between Light and Shadow - Last words by sub-comm. Marcos https://roarmag.org/essays/subcomandante-galeano-between-light-shadow/

    Vanguardism is not a Marxist attribute alone, some anarchists if not most entertain this tendency however contradictory to libertarian principles and values. I think Malatesta and Emma Goldman indirectly placed criticism to those that adopt it. What it means to reject it is a deep libertarian (anti-capitalist of course) issue that few realize and recognize.

    If there is ever going to be any synthesis between vanguard revolutionaries and those libertarian proposals the praxis zapatistas have engaged in 31 years and the EZLN in 41.5 years should be carefully understood.