it takes work to learn to trust, it takes strength to relearn to trust

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 31st, 2021


  • hello young friend, first of all, only you can tell if your relationship with computers is healthy or not. as a rule of thumb when living with other people, when using the computer stops us from taking care of other responsibilities we might change how we spend time on computers. However I say this based on having being a teenager when there was no curfews/quarantines so I could actually go out, play ball, meet new people in real life. I would respect my parents for they cared about me, but again this is about me so I reiterate, only you can tell if you are obsessed with computers, and even if it’s the case, you are the one who would be able to tell if that’s a problem to you. Some people might argue that our urges are conditioned reflexes, which I interpret as, doing what we feel like doing doesn’t always mean being free. TL,DR: only you can know what you should do ;)