Job: cashier

Item doesn’t scan

Customer: “That means it’s free, right?”


Only about 4 weeks in as a cashier and I’ve heard this enough to last me a lifetime.

  • CharlesReed
    3 months ago

    At my last job as a project manager, I had a director that I worked with that I absolutely despised. On a regular basis we would have this (abridged) interaction:

    Director: I don’t understand what this report is trying to say. Take out abc and include xyz. Me: Ok. includes changes in meeting notes next meeting Director: What is this? Why does the report look like this? I don’t even understand why you would make it look like this. Change xyz and include abc. Me: But… Director: No buts, this is my team’s project. Me: …Ok. includes changes in meeting notes next meeting Director: What is going on with this? I don’t understand what’s going on. Why does this report change every time I see it? Me: … Bruh.

    This happened so many times that eventually I had to start including my manager in meetings with him, because this dude was insufferable and did not want to accept it when his ideas and changes were shit. He’d always deny he requested changes (even though I documented them in the meeting notes), and everything was everyone’s fault except his. Luckily another director that I got along with really well requested me to work on their projects and I got transferred.

      133 months ago

      Sounds suspiciously like a director way out of their depth and has little or no idea wha they’re doing.

      In order to feel like orlook like they’re adding value to the business they request changes they’re incapable of understanding themselves. Then get even more confused when things “magically” change: because to them it’s voodoo/magic.

      113 months ago

      That’s actually wild lmao, the only thing I had similar was when a director requested a change and was confused why something changed until I reminded him that he requested me to change it and then he said something along the lines of “oh, alright then, no problem”.

      I wonder if it’s like, some of these directors are just older than dinosaurs, and even when they ask for change they are incapable of handling said change, or they are just forgetting that they requested said change? I’m not sure…

      • CharlesReed
        83 months ago

        I kinda think this particular guy would get flustered and extremely frustrated whenever something would go wrong or there was a tight deadline, so he would take it out on everyone around him (dude would regularly threaten to have people fired for small mistakes that could easily be fixed). And since we were in an IT department with aging equipment/tech, there was always something broken or an effort to upgrade going on. It also didn’t help that he thought and firmly believed that he knew better than everyone else. After I got transferred, my manager had to take over his team because the rest of the PMs were either full up on bandwidth or just straight up didn’t want to work with the guy.

        33 months ago

        I get this with a young (30’s) CEO at a small business. Dude has literally zero follow through, he will ask for things, you will do them, he will forget he asked for them, and then complain you didn’t do an entirely unrelated thing that he never asked for. I am genuinely astounded at how he makes it to the office the few days he’s actually here.

    • cheesymoonshadowOP
      23 months ago

      Remember that Black Mirror episode where they would record everything with their eye implants and play something back as needed?

      • CharlesReed
        3 months ago

        100% this guy would have turned it around to make an issue about me recorded his meetings lol