Since Monero transactions are not 100% untraceable and these anonymous marketplaces may attract people with illegaly obtained money…

    417 days ago

    While it’s true that some targeted attacks can lower the privacy of a Monero transaction, 2-3 churns (or the upgrade to FCMPs) will make even those nearly impossible.

    It is arguably waaaaaay more likely that you’ll have trouble when selling Monero for fiat (on the fiat side) than you getting in trouble because of the Moneros “history”.

    • @hetzlemmingsworldOP
      116 days ago

      I am unsure about your last sentence. Isn’t Monero “history” connectable to fiat (due to bad opsec, using KYC’ed CEX)? If so, then you can not say that Monero and fiat are separate. But IMO you are right, that fiat issues (dirty fiat received) is more likely issue to face. But that is what I am talking/asking about in OP. There is no way to significantly reduce chances of getting bad fiat for XMR? I am thinking about some KYC on a XMR buyer side along with some way XMR seller leave a review on a buyer in case trouble with fiat. The DEX I am unsure if supports KYC+feedback.