Are there any known right triangles that have integer side lengths and rational angles? If not, has it been proven that none exist?

  • lurker2718
    11 months ago

    I bit late but i i think it is proven there is no solutions, except for the special case 0° and side lengths 1, 1 and 0. Let us consider the triangle with a²+b²=c² and a = c sin(pi q) where q is the angle as a fraction of half a circle. So you are looking for a solution where a, b, c are integer and q is rational. So we first need to find a rational value for q where sin(pi q) is rational. According to this happens only for the well known case of 30°, so q=1/6 and a/c=1/2. However, in this case b=c/2 × sqrt(3) which is irrational, so with this angle we can never create integer side length.