Americans; If Trump wins in November, what are your plans?

  • @DudeDudenson
    4 months ago

    Never said I like trump but Lemmy is way too politicized and unbalanced towards the left. You can’t have a proper discussion on a hive mind echo chamber. I’ve had to block a ton of subs, some that shouldn’t even be political, because it’s all super polarized rhetoric and no discerning opinions are considered

    I’m not even in the US so I don’t really care that much about what happens over there so seeing almost everything end up being political propaganda for one side of the political landscape of USA is really annoying

      34 months ago

      It is annoying, but the US right consists of one party full of anti-science, so being in touch with reality automatically means not them, and in such a disgrace of a political system that means “the other party” because the bastards haven’t updated from their two-party elections since the 1800s.

      34 months ago

      Only compared to the US, which is unbalanced towards the right.

      You guys don’t even have a left party. Only right wing and extreme right wing.