Is sitting down and understanding the code in the PR not an option?
Is sitting down and understanding the code in the PR not an option?
Don’t worry if there’s no massive uproar about it all car companies will soon do the same as stellantis
I wished I could live in this fairy tale world where a driverless car won’t be vandalized/stripped for parts
Like you’d be paying 30 bucks to basically have an unsupervised car show up at your location that’s totally not gonna result in a lot of trouble and cost a shit ton
Get a sleep study done you might need medication or a CPAP
I don’t know what’s your education level but at your age that sounds like a great deal to set yourself up. I hope you’re saving a ton with the aim to make investments and basically be able to have your life mostly solved monetarily from your 30s onward
Aren’t religions with a heaven and a god against evolution theory?
It’s not that unlike what companies were doing to appease the woke gods, a friend works at Salesforce and he had to change the name of a class called Blacklist to something else because apparently they’re not allowed to use the word black in any context in the code
I don’t know if it’s better or worse that they don’t have wings to fly indoors like some cockroaches
Dictatorship of the people my god I’ve never heard anything so stupid before
Honestly I think this is better than lift bridges in every way.
No one seems to mention this but a lot of the time the code in the binary might not be the same code you see in your IDE so the line number doesn’t match. Intellij for example decompiles libraries when you open them and you have to press a button to download the actual source with all the comments and everything
Maybe OP is a FOSS maintainer
Honestly I loved that series growing up so mutch I sure hope they go back to the mass effect 3 formula for the next one.
I rather doubt they will but the hope’s there
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Frankly I just come to these posts to block the people who comment in them like the world is ending because Elon is cringe. The entirety of lemmy is echo chambers it’s hard to keep them out of your feed
Even with the annoying YouTuber trying to make silly content out of it I’d say it actually kept into the roleplay pretty well
Retro Sport hatchback EV with a carbon fiber super structure. It sounds cool AF but it’ll probably cost the same as a house and they’ll sell very little of them
If it has a meltdown and you sink it it would be pretty safe as long as you’re not right in the coast right? Water blocks radiation and forces from an explosion pretty well
I bought it and I’m a bit disappointed, it scratches the creeper itch a bit but it kinda does away with the creeper world formula of making massive bases
Do they take the time to put and take off the thing from the dog every time it wants to go outside? Just add chicken wire to the fence or something jeez