• @SapphironZA
    66 months ago

    I was mainly referring to how sluggish it was. For my web apps, it was always slower and the UI would bog down. Maybe not the correct definition of you refer to unnecessary features.

    I am more referring to how lean or streamline the software is. Both in front end design and backend.

    A lot of browser performance has to do with how you use it, so my experience is not universal.

    Still, even full fat Firefox is skinny compared to the morbidly obese Chrome and edge browsers.

    • @laurelraven@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      16 months ago

      So weird to me how when Chrome first came out, it was the opposite: Firefox was getting sluggish and poorly optimized with too much going on, and Chrome was sleek and fast and seemed to just have what was needed to work.

      • @SapphironZA
        26 months ago

        These things go in cycles. But I think the writing is on the wall. Google will never make the investment to unbloat Chrome.