Days after Ohio voters passed Issue 1 and codified abortion rights into Ohio’s constitution, Republicans are not accepting the election results.

In a new, unhinged press release issued by the Ohio House Republican Committee, GOP members rant that “foreign billionaires” impacted the election results and call the results tainted by so-called “foreign interference.” It is unclear what they are referring to.

Ohio voters overwhelmingly voted ‘Yes’ on Issue 1 by a margin of 56.6% to 43.4%.

The press release further argues that the results of the election do not invalidate a 6-week abortion ban previously passed by the Ohio Legislature and that “no amendment can overturn the God given rights with which we were born.”

    1258 months ago

    It’s really funny when they whine about outside money. I didn’t see the GOP up in arms as Citizens United passed, I don’t see them upset when they SuperPACs give money to their campaigns so it seems they only care when it affects them, big fucking shocker there….

      398 months ago

      What type of foreign interference gives a flying fuck about Ohio specifically having abortions? It’s such an unhinged thing to think foreigners would care about. But these same foreign bodies just snoozed through Ohio going mostly Red the past 6ish years?

      88 months ago

      I have some shit to say about Trump and Russian influence. Think they want to have that conversation?

        8 months ago

        They would say:

        "Now, if your states blue

        And you don’t know where to go to

        Why don’t you go where fascist sits

        Putin on the Ritz"