For me it was “buy high quality pillow” because you sleep for one thrid of a day etc. I needed a new pillow anyway so I came to the store and bought the best they had. And it was … ok. Like it’s a fine pillow but my sleeping haven’t improved really, it’s basically the same. So I was disapointed :(

So, which life pro tip disappointed you?

  • vlad
    911 months ago

    Speaking of pillows. I forget what brand I have, but I’m sure there are a bunch that make the same general thing. I was annoyed that I had to fight with every pillow I had to keep it from becoming a flat piece of cardboard. 8 years ago I bought pillows filled with shredded memory foam. They came with the stuffing separately so that I could fill my pillow up myself. It’s the best pillow I’ve ever had, and it hasn’t gone flat at all after many years.

    So, shredded memory foam is the way to go.

      811 months ago

      I have a solid memory foam pillow and it fucking sucks. It’s like right in the middle of not being firm enough and not being soft enough. Maybe I’ll try to find one like yours.

          111 months ago

          Doesn’t that make your neck sore? I’ve used thin pillows all my life, whenever I use a pillow when travelling (hotel, someone else’s house etc) it’s ALWAYS to thick. I can’t imagine stacking two pillows on top of each other.

          • @DudeDudenson
            211 months ago

            Ah but if both pillows are old enough to vote it’s like just having one!

      • vlad
        311 months ago

        Yeah, I’ve had a normal memory foam pillow, that’s how I felt about it too. It was designed for people who sleep still on their back like a corpse.

        The sredded kind seems to be soft enough where I can mash it into a shape I want, but it doesn’t go flat over time. Or stab you with feathers.

      211 months ago

      I have one of these as well and also got it years ago! Yeah it’s the best I think, but needs a few days to stop outgassing lol.

      I purchased this one: Xtreme Comforts Pillows for Sleeping

      It’s like $30 or something.

      111 months ago

      I’ve tried a couple and they give me the worst migraines. I just can’t do them. :(

      • vlad
        111 months ago

        The shredded kind, or the kind where it’s just a block of memory foam? Because the block kind is terrible.

          111 months ago

          Shredded kind. I was pretty disappointed since they weren’t exactly cheap. Worked really well for my ex wife though.

          • vlad
            111 months ago

            Interesting. Well, I hope you find what works for you. Good sleep is hard to come by.