• @kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    That would imply that 50 percent of the snapped people’s biomes remained behind. All of the produce in the grocery stores would be covered in an airborne mist of E. coli, and snapped surgeons that were mid-operation would give their patients staph infections, assuming the suriviving surgery team was able to stablize and close them up before they died anyway. Neat.

    Also when those snapped people returned with the half of their biomes that also got snapped, you would get a sequel to the diarrhea. Diarrhea 2: Electric Boogapoo.

      • Boxscape
        491 day ago

        Do viruses get snapped too or na

        And da babies in-utero? Did the Infinity Gauntlet go by conception or 24-weeks?

        • partial_accumen
          371 day ago

          There were zero reports I’ve heard from any TV, movie, or comic reference to the snap of unborn (but possibly viable) babies being left behind (by any species even) when the pregnant mother disappeared in the snap. That suggests the Infinity Gauntlet doesn’t consider the unborn as a separate individual until birth.

          • Boxscape
            221 day ago

            unborn (but possibly viable) babies being left behind (by any species even) when the pregnant mother disappeared in the snap.

            This scenario didn’t even enter my head when I posed the question. That’s some Stephen King-level imagery though—a snapped mother disappearing only for an amniotic sac to drop in her place.

            • Match!!
              81 day ago

              imagine the stone suddenly surgically removing your conjoined twin but leaving you with a typical body afterwards. then 5 years later your twin - now noticably younger and alien to you - is reattached

            • @samus12345@lemmy.world
              1 day ago

              I think the Gauntlet counted any beings that either depended on another to live or supported another to live as all one unit for simplicity’s sake.

              • partial_accumen
                91 day ago

                I would love a comic series where each Infinity Stone has a representative entity of some kind and we get to see the “thought process” each goes through in fulfilling the request of its wielder. I’m envisioning a format like the Pixar movie “Inside Out” except each stone’s entity is very judgy on how the wielder is using it.

                “Ugh, Goddamit Dr Strange, how many more times do you want to do this Dormamu thing. Its getting really repetitive.” - Time stone

                Or when multiple stones have to work together, they have to hash out what each is going to do to fulfill the desired wish. The conversation between all the stones during “the snap” being the longest and most complicated conversation with questions coming up like “okay Mr Soul Stone smart guy, what about pregnant women?! Is that one soul or two, huh?”

        • partial_accumen
          51 day ago

          And da babies in-utero? Did the Infinity Gauntlet go by conception or 24-weeks?

          Now you got this idea in my head, if it would have been possible to know if the Infinity Gauntlet considered conception, couldn’t a species, lets say humans, knowing “the snap” was a possible risk, create massive stores of zygotes kept on ice? Lets say 10 zygotes to every 1 living human. After the snap of “half” that would mean that instead of 50% of humans disappearing it would only have been 2.5%.

          Moreover, since every other species would have lost 50% and been in chaos it would have been prime opportunity to conquer other species still in disarray.

            • partial_accumen
              123 hours ago

              Same rate, but higher * total number* of zygotes dusted because there would be far more zygotes than grown humans.

          • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
            51 day ago

            Now I’d love to see a story about a species that has huge numbers of young but also incredibly high infant mortality. So in the snap they mostly lost a bunch of kids who were going to die anyway. Then they decide to take advantage and invade their neighbors, and Captain Marvel comes to help.

      • Finally someone asks the real question. Is there an objective definition to life that Virus may or may not fall under? Or would it depend on Thano’s subjective opinion on the matter?

        • @BenReilly97@lemmy.world
          101 day ago

          The scientific definition of life changes constantly, but viruses more often than not fall under “not alive.”

          Throughout, viruses have rarely been considered alive. More than 120 definitions of life exist today, and most require metabolism, a set of chemical reactions that produce energy. Viruses do not metabolize. They also don’t fit some other common criteria. They do not have cells. They cannot reproduce independently. Viruses are inert packages of DNA or RNA that cannot replicate without a host cell.


      • GingaNinga
        41 day ago

        technically viruses aren’t alive. They just use cellular machinery to replicate and thats it.

        • @Nurse_Robot@lemmy.world
          1 day ago

          Eh, it’s not really that cut and dry. You could debate either way with plenty of evidence, in the end it’s really a limit to the semantics of language

          Edit: here’s a neat article that talks about it

          • GingaNinga
            51 day ago

            Thats pretty neat “you cant kill something thats not alive”. Can viruses respond to stimuli? We consider bacteria alive but viruses are debated, wheres the line? are enzymes alive? Are prions alive? cool article.