• @escapesamsara
    02 hours ago

    Hamas didn’t exist in the 1800s, they didnt start this. But I am glad you “people” finally admit you have no empathy or think of people outside yourself; I was getting tired of hearing the lie that liberals are more caring than other conservatives

    • @draneceusrex@lemmy.world
      12 hours ago

      No one called themselves Palestinians back in the 1800s in the Ottoman Empire either. But yeah man, you got me dead to rights. Great Job.

      • @escapesamsara
        32 hours ago

        They did, Palestinians have called themselves that since Roman occupation. Palestine, phalistine before it, has been a recognized name region for longer than Christianity has existed, much less the word ottoman or around 80% of modern hebrew words. Israeli education really is some of the worst in the world, right under american education.

        • @draneceusrex@lemmy.world
          -31 hour ago

          Sorry, I was off by two years. The first use of Palastinian to describe modern Arabs in the region was Khalil Beidas in 1898. Yes, the region has been referred to as variations of Palestine since the Greeks. I didn’t say otherwise. And go fuck yourself.

          • @escapesamsara
            01 hour ago

            “modern Arab”? What kind of racist ass white supremacist nonsense are you people pushing now? Palestinians the current and past population are semites, specifically a majority are genetically Jewish. Palestinian, as an ethnic supergroup is compromised of hundreds of ethnicities, all of whom have been called Palestinian longer than the concept of Israel as a nation has been kicking around white colonials heads.