Ok, the title was an overuse of emojis as a joke. But seriously, I like some limited use of emojis because it helps me convey intention/emotion so that I’m less misunderstood and also adds some more feeling/fun to text content 😄

  • @CeruleanRuin
    124 months ago

    Yeah but

    🍇🍇🍏      🍋🍊🍊
    🍎🍆🍇  ⁣😎  🍋🍋🍊
    🍒🍓🍇      🍌🍋🍋

      • @CeruleanRuin
        24 months ago

        Well sure, but the occasional well-placed emoji can art up a comment too. The problem isn’t the emojis, it’s people using them poorly.

        • Oh, I’m well aware.

          I wrote up a long reply to someone who essentially said “emojis don’t add meaning” about how this willful, and I do mean willful, ignorance about a medium of communication is kind of like rejecting the invention of technicolor film for being a frivolous gimmick. It’s a silly position to have, and I might even argue anti-intellectual.

          Buuut I didn’t want to seem like I was picking on the poor guy, so I didn’t send, haha.