“This post is about a movie from a year ago. Was the whole point to do some kind of weird roundabout “China bad” post?”
That’s the orignal comment we’re talking about. Where are you getting any of that shit out of this comment?
“This post is about a movie from a year ago. Was the whole point to do some kind of weird roundabout “China bad” post?”
That’s the orignal comment we’re talking about. Where are you getting any of that shit out of this comment?
Where’s the “valid criticism of rainbow capitalism”? I think you’re projecting.
Ooh, answering questions with a question! He’s good.
Texas abortion laws already working as intended!
If you are a woman in Texas, you’re property. Any rights you have are only your’s until a man decides you shouldn’t have them anymore.
God forbid you’re also black, or hispanic, or asian, or gay, or…
I like the idea of defederating with instances like this. People gripe about creating rifts between users but like, are we really labeling the trolls calling everyone else trolls as “honest users”? lmao
They can have their own pissing contests in their own living rooms. It shouldn’t be our responsibility to field their fucken CCP sponsored bullshit in any random comment section because “it should be the user’s choice what content they see”. This is a cop out.
Defederate now, you can always refederate later when user filters are a little bit more fleshed out. As it stands you’re just encouraging their behavior by giving them a ticket to act with impunity, and they’re really loving the high horse.
lovely! what DAW do you use? Are those drums active synthesis or samples?
the way it swells is very appealing, you’ve got a good sense of pacing!
christ i was warned and it still caught me off guard. great job!
Oh darn, guess I gotta! hahaha
Funnily enough we have all the equipment for in house lost wax casting, including a homemade centrifuge (housed in a trashcan), and the ONE thing keeping that off the table currently is the fancy industrial furnace and it’s cheap, faulty thermostat. It’s one of the newest machines in the store and simultaneously the least functional.
We’ve got an engraver from the 40s, hand tools from the 30s, and a ring bender that I can’t get a date on, but it’s at least 100 years old. We’ve got jury-rigged setups that have outlived the man who hastily constructed them, meanwhile the BRAND NEW, PRODUCTION FURNACE is inoperable.
/rant lmao
All pre-1981, and yes it’ll turn you green hahah
The mechanics of it are rather interesting! It’s actually tiny bits of copper rubbing off and getting embedded in your skin, where the moisture causes them to quickly patina from orange, to brown, to green. The same thing happens when you do a lot of grinding or filing on copper; your hands get covered with bright copper dust, and then maybe an hour later they’re a sickly green.
Skin acidity has something to do with it as well, I know folks who have little to no reaction meanwhile half my finger is green when I wear these to bed.
I had just enough metal to cover the height of the ruby, but I didn’t account for the curved surface of the ring. Once I sanded down a flat on the top for the stone to go in, it was ~2mm shorter than the stone.
You could just set a stone like that anyways, I have a few vintage pieces with oversized stones in undersized mountings. The culet, or point of the stone, pokes into your finger just a little bit. Makes em a real bitch to work on though, as you’ll need a slotted mandrel and a careful touch to do practically anything.
Copper has a low enough melting point that I’m able to just hit it with an oxygen-acetylene torch and turn the pennies into a solid little blob. Then I hammer that down to a somewhat regular size and shape that’ll fit in my rolling mill.
On this particular ring I ran either side through the mill while leaving a bulbous lump in the center. I was originally planning to set a moderately larger oval ruby in it, so I needed as much metal for the head as possible.
From there it was just minor shaping, setting the stone, and a long stint on the buff. The slanty body lines and slopes on the top are actually an artifact of the rolling mill step. The mill is older then me, and likes to consistently cockeye your stock to the left. But consistent angles make for pretty geometry!
Mr. Greg, i’m a dumb bitch for musicals
seemingly no matter where or how you say it, if you imply sync costs too much someone will show up to needlessly defend it
oh god yeah, i hardly even consider things like minimaps and waypoints to be mods, really. they’re such necessary QoL improvements.
the great thing about minecraft is if you’re far enough away that the chunk unloads, your items are safe for much longer than 5 minutes, if not just indefinitely.
hey that’s actually entirely missing the point! a more accurate statement would be “this summer was hotter than every other summer we’ve ever recorded, and it’s not even done yet!”
i just gotta assume you’re willfully misunderstanding because this seems like pretty elementary level deduction here.
I bought both fuck.wales and butts.移动 for the same reason, keep on rockin’ in the free world brother.
I’m gay and housing is just as hard to find for me as it is for my straight friends. Housing in the United States is prohibitively expensive, even/especially for renters depending on the area. This comparison was flawed to begin with, but that’s not surprising considering it’s the argumentative equivalent of a “no u”. Die on a better hill.