Mossbag for Hollow Knight lore!
Toll aufgearbeitet Daten! Interessant, dass Italien und Frankreich deutlich besser da stehen (nur leicht über dem Durchschnitt) und die Schweiz sogar unter dem Durchschnitt.
I’m also currently looking into mice. The ROG mice are the only once one can replace the switches when then wear out without soldering. They also are compatible with piper on Linux.
My understanding is that the OS Installer Anaconda is only run to install the OS, not at boot time. Python is a mature language, nothing wrong with implementing a not-often run install script in it IMHO. Especially at OS installation time the python environment is very well defined.
Sorry dafür, hatte ich aber sogar gemacht und nach 2 min leider nix gefunden.
Global actions are the sum of individual actions. Just because one can not safe the world alone, one still should behave like one could.