You are Right, I remembered that wrong. My apologies!
You are Right, I remembered that wrong. My apologies!
For years in love with PDF24
Free tool made in Berlin 🇩🇪
Edit: changed “from Berlin” to “in Berlin” because a very smart internet user noticed that English isn’t my first language and helped me improve my grammar by mocking my post with a mediocre dad joke while not contributing to OPs question himself.
Have a look at Tresorit
Check out Teufel from Berlin, 🇩🇪
Agreed. Please merge with and the others
Check out Teufel from Berlin, 🇩🇪
All your advices and tips are true and great. I’d like to add two things on the mental side.
It’s not your baby’s fault. Parenthood, at least mine, has moments of doubt, frustration, exhaustion and anger. Baby won’t listen, will cry a lot, will demolish your face with amazingly fast growing fingernails, will break your favourite thing, shit in your car and puke on your new shirt. This may sound weird for some of you, but to calm down in some moments it helped a lot to tell myself, that this is not the baby’s fault. It’s not trying to be mean to me, it’s just a fking baby. Since it’s actions are not meant to be harmful, reject every impulse to be harmful too. Be the adult one. Be the calm one. And protect your eyes from that fingernails!
It will not always be like this. Try to enjoy every moment. You will forget the bad things and miss the good things of this very moment. You will be like “You remember when we had like zero sleep? You remember when we couldn’t really use the car, because he was freaking out?” Things will change. They will be even better.
You are Right, I remembered that wrong. My apologies! Sorry you wasted time 🙁