I can say with 100% certainty that if I had a steady supply of physical affection from another source, I’d be satisfied.
My wife makes me feel loved in many other ways. It’s just that touch isn’t one of them for her. Maybe it will be again, but it’s not right now and that’s okay.
We’re not planning on having kids for a bunch of different reasons, but if I ever do, I want her to raise them.
And it’s not that she doesn’t want to touch me at all. It’s that I crave a particular kind of affection that she can’t provide. We still hold hands, and hug, and really anything in area of “squeezing” is generally a good feeling for her. But delicate touch, both giving and receiving, isn’t possible.
I’ve personally never felt like physical intimacy needs to be inextricably tied to sex on the one hand or emotional attachment on the other. Getting a massage feels good, right? It’s just…an extension of that thinking, I guess.
I would give up just about anything for my wife and I want to continue to build our life together. I’m fine getting this one thing somewhere else if I can.
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