Hey there. If you find this fascinating, theres a youtube channel that is trying to restore said computer and goes over how it works in detail: https://youtu.be/hckwxq8rnr0?feature=shared
I’m all for legitimate papers and research challenging my views, however what kind of journal is “Marriage and Family Review”? It seems to be a little confusing with the “Marriage and Family Journal” which has been around for over 100 years. The “Review” variants has only been around since the 70s.
It seems to be primarily published through Taylor and Francis which has a mixed reputation when searching online. For others out there who are familiar with this publisher, please set me straight if my doubt is misplaced.
This is one of those papers where I look forward to having the research reproduced again in more journals, to alleviate my skepticism.
Not a new project, but I feel is often overlooked: Sakura. I’ve fallen back to it repeatedly over the years. It is lightweight, opinionated but sane. Not as brutalist as st. I combo it with Tmux using powerline with little tweaking.
It uses standard libraries and stays out of the way.
Yep been using it for a few years. It takes a little bit to get used to, but if you like to take notes in Vim already, this is a nice tool. Auto obfuscates that you use it in Bash history if you follow the directions.