@Rustmilian classic Mint is basically Ubuntu without snap. Then there’s Mint Debian edition which is built on Debian (sort of insurance if Ubuntu goes Red Hat way).
Senior dolphin polisher. Weeb.
Do not trust Google translate
@Rustmilian classic Mint is basically Ubuntu without snap. Then there’s Mint Debian edition which is built on Debian (sort of insurance if Ubuntu goes Red Hat way).
@stoy oh the joy of bias. Some random device does not work in linux? Linux is shit.
Some random device does not work in Windows? It’s user’s fault
@cosmicrookie the intuitive solution to error 0x4f63e78 would be…? Because that’s how Windows issues typically are: no explanation of what has failed, only an hex string
@nicman24 Ubuntu 16.04 ESM will have security updates till 2026
@bartolomeo if you want it to just work, you should consider installing Armbian. I ran Armbian for a couple of years on my Rock64 and it was very stable
@mac89 sai che processore ha? La rom che @Moonrise2473 ha linkato sembra per un Allwinner H6, se è questo potresti tentare di caricarci Libreelec. Qua la discussione relativa sul forum: https://forum.libreelec.tv/thread/17565-nightly-images-for-a64-h3-h5-h6-and-r40-boards/
@Yoru go join misskey.io right now, many artists are there
@PseudoSpock add Linux Mint repository and install Firefox from there, as described here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1386738/how-to-install-chromium-from-the-linux-mint-repositories-in-ubuntu
Or switch to Linux Mint entirely, like I did :ablobcatbongo:
@me_stesso la VPN no-log non esiste.
@nordring12 la vedo dura guardare streaming via TOR. La VPN è soltanto un palliativo, volendo l’autorità può richiedere i dati degli utenti al gestore e questo dovrà fornirli.
@TunaCowboy nice, thanks!
@tubbadu no, stable gets them sooner than testing https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-manual/ch10.en.html#security-support-testing
@tubbadu the problem are security updates, that get to testing later
@gh0stcassette you can install HWE kernels like in Ubuntu, from Update Manager