Yeah, I like DITMM but my partner and I keep an eye on each other, so if I take my meds and mark it off in Telegram they can see it immediately and that log is permenant, rather than being stuck on one device and only for me. Still, handy if you don’t have a helping hand like I do.
Absolutely not, no spirituality or religion at all. Strong beliefs about how the world doesn’t work (lots of specific debunked ideas, lots of ideas that are incoherent or inconsistent) but not sure about a bunch of stuff. I don’t think it would be meaningful to say there is a mind behind the creation of the universe because what we consider a mind and what that mind would have to be are two ideas with almost no overlap. If there is something out there magically making the universe what it is I don’t think we would be able to recognise it at all, let alone communicate with and understand it.