@Baku My daughter (5) tried to sell some of her art on the pavement to passers-by.
Clearly a competitor to a multi-billion dollar price-fixing, colluding, un-competitive duopoly.
Back once again with the ill behaviour
IT dude in #Perth #WesternAustralia reporting in.
I like:
Filters include:
Birdsite and its owner
US politics
Muted instances:
And no matter how much I may like your image of whatever I probably won’t Boost it if it doesn’t have good Alt-Txt. You know it makes sense.
@Baku My daughter (5) tried to sell some of her art on the pavement to passers-by.
Clearly a competitor to a multi-billion dollar price-fixing, colluding, un-competitive duopoly.
@Salvo Worth a read of their current def https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Bills_Legislation/bd/bd2425/25bd39
But yeah, those would seem to come under "the sole purpose, or a significant purpose, of the service is to enable online social interaction between 2 or more end-users[2]
the service allows end-users to link to, or interact with, some or all of the other end-users
the service allows end-users to post material on the service
such other conditions (if any) as are set out in the legislative rules."
@Lodespawn @Salvo The definition is currently loose enough to apply to iMessage. That’ll be a fun discussion with Apple’s lawyers.
I’ll likely be setting my kids and their mates up some sort of server overseas, maybe a Mastodon instance. I want them to learn to be social online, with some education and moderation.
@spiffmeister Sounds like I’ll be using BHPMail, MinResX and Riosky
@Nath lemmy.world need to buck their ideas up
@spiffmeister @Joker I’m interested in how they’ll handle iMessage. And if they allow iMessage, why not Signal? And so on. Gonna be some interesting lines have to be drawn.
@Salvo CoPilot is the only “AI” thing not recently blocked on our work network. Knee-jerk, but OK. They’re worried about data exfiltration and storage. But trust me, that should really be very far down the list of security/technology concerns.
@Gorgritch_umie_killa @Lodespawn I’m envisaging them leveraging the single-sign-on type stuff they do for MyGov. But do you trust them, and the social site, to handle and appropriately, securely anonymise the Personally Identifiable Information in the transaction? And of course, that means that now under 16s need to have MyGov IDs. The idea of online nicknames etc being linked to actual persons should be a concern. Australia Card anyone?
Of course they may have a completely different approach to it. I mean, every school age child already has a Student Number. That could be a data point for them. Who knows.
@Lodespawn tbh, i suspect they will all just open a shared Google Doc and chat in that.
@Lodespawn I had a read of that definition in its current form and it’s ridiculously broad.
For Singapore I meant a VPN server hosted there. So he could connect to that and then off to mydangerousbombmakingforum.com without Albo checking he’s 16.
@Gorgritch_umie_killa @Lodespawn Doesn’t sound too big a technological challenge (think along the lines of when you sign into a website using Google or Facebook as your ID provider). But puts more hassle on site admins. And, more importantly, how are users going to know if a site is actually doing authentication or just gathering their ID data? Then there’s the question of what sites they will try and include in the ban. Meta etc is a given, but Lucy’s Australian Knitting forum? iMessage? Signal? Mastodon instances?
Then there’s the concern that all of a sudden Govt have a link between all of our online nicknames etc and our actual names. That’s a massive issue in my eyes and they’ll need to clarify if that’s going to happen.
In the end my son could, and probably will, just rent a private server in Singapore for a couple of dollars a month and VPN through that. I expect he’ll set his mates up on it too. So instead of some kind of visibility of what he’s doing on the home network, I’ll have none.
And we’ll be paying handsomely for this whole exercise.
I, like a lot of parents I’m sure, am actually in favour of not letting kids into those places. But I can’t, yet, see how it can be done.
@eureka @Gorgritch_umie_killa If it helps, CoPilot reckons
"still thinking of a playful use of an alternative word
Got it! Here are a few playful alternatives to “enshittification” that convey a similar idea:
Crapification: The process by which something becomes crappy.
Bummification: When things start to become a real bummer.
Suckification: The act of something starting to suck.
Trashification: Transforming into trash-quality.
Downslopification: Going down the slope of quality.
Flopification: The journey from success to flop.
Funkification: Things taking a turn for the worse in a funky way.
These options keep the humorous and playful tone while conveying the decline or deterioration of something. Do any of these fit the bill for what you had in mind? 😊
@eureka @Gorgritch_umie_killa suggestions for a new one?
@eraitch @zero_gravitas If you do use the self-checkouts there you can put a sticky dot over the camera as you approach it. They love it.
And their “AI” exit-gates on the self-checkout pen that shut if it doesn’t think it saw you paying can get in the sea too.
@Salvo @MorpheusB Cos who doesn’t like paying network’s prices for their choice of handsets with their bloatware running on their choice of OS? I really want ACCC to hit them with a massive stick over this.
@Zane Sweet. Can you send them my details too? I’ll deffo be giving them my address etc