ne plus versand, sonst wären es ja weniger
oder man trifft sich irgendwo
bist du auf dem 38c3?
wäre mit 10€ dabei
das wären dann 23 oder 125 sticker je nachdem ob wir auf große mengen kommen
ab 80€ lohnt sich der kauf großer mengen sticker
bin auch da
bin aber auf ich_iel eher Schleichender
hab beim Vorverkauf eins über den Chaostreff Heidelberg bekommen
my backup is once in a while manually borging my files onto this chonk, but i have plans to improve on that
tbh ubuntu just werks
pretty decent corporate backed distro
well then they could still be asked
more like none that shower
you guys know that brown was the color of the NSDAP?
Don’t forget tho vaccinate the guns.
And their children.
NPD is one of the less popular Neonazi parties in Germany
I’ve never used swipe typing, so my data is probably garbage, but its kinda fun.
Well if we assume the universe is infinite and similar in structure to the part of the universe we can observe, then there are infinite earth-like planets with people on it.
Now we just have to define “world” as “universe” and it works.
it would probably be easier to take an existing matrix client implementation and make it look like telegram.
i don’t think the ui will be much of a problem, the backend stuff: communication with the server, enryption, device validation will probably be the most complicated to implement.
But if you do it, I’d probably try it. The existing matrix clients are all not very good.
was da los? hast du den aus dem cch eingangsbereich mitgenommen?