Ubuntu Peronista

As an active member of an Organized Community on the global data networks, I assist the Working Masses with the high goal of achieving Social Justice 2.0: Fair, Free and Sovereign software.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Huayra GNU/Linux is a GNU operating system distribution tailored for educational purposes in Argentina. Its development was started by the CENITAL (Argentine National Center for Research and Development of Free Technologies) for the 2012 Conectar Igualdad project of the Argentine Government, and now is maintained by Educar Sociedad del Estado.


    As such, it includes full localization in Spanish and a complete kit of education applications, several of whom were released by Cenital itself. Cenital got together a great group of educative programmers, who design the Linux distribution.

    The Conectar Igualdad technological inclusion project involved providing a portable computer for students. These computers used low-spec Intel Atom microprocessors to provide computing power to 12-inch nationally produced netbooks, 5 millon of such provided for highschool students.

    While the portable machines specs has been continuously improved in next computing generations and batches, since the launch of the program in 2011 great care has been taken to provide with a great experience with such low computing power.

    The software hearth of Huayra involves a Debian 12 derived-Linux Kernel, a MATE desktop, LibreOffice suite, GIMP and Inkscape graphical apps, several music and sound design programs, video and digital TV experience. All these are freely available. Also provided are serveral local applications (Huayra Motion for stopmotion animation), and many more.

    All of the reference material and as many as 12500 highschool educative books and reference materials are already included as PDF documents in the machine hard disk.

    All the versions of Huayra GNU/Linux may be found here: https://huayra.educar.gob.ar/

    Also, the github projects may be found here:


    As many other Linux distributions, Huayra (which minds “Wind” in native quechua language) has a “spirit animal”. Vaca Hacker, its Pilot Cow, provides computing knowledge also as a special app.

    The newest version its 6.5, but several spin-off has been created, including Huayra Bonaerense (for the Government of the Buenos Aires Province), Huayra Servidor (a server version), Huayra Medios (for cooperative and school FM Radios and Internet broadcasting).

  • Star Wars March for the Atari!

    1 GRAPHICS 2+16
    2 ? #6;"STAR WARS THEME"
    3 ? #6;"BY JOHN WILLIAMS"
    8 FOR W=1 TO 500:NEXT W
    9 GRAPHICS 0
    10 READ S,N0,N1,N2,N3
    20 IF N0=-1 THEN END 
    25 ? S;"|";N0;"|";N1;"|";N2;"|";N3
    30 SOUND 0,N0,10,4:SOUND 1,N1,10,4
    35 SOUND 2,N2,10,4:SOUND 3,N3,10,4
    40 FOR X=1 TO S*150:NEXT X:GOTO 10
    100 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    101 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    102 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    104 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    105 DATA .2,108,0,0,0
    110 DATA 1,81,108,128,162
    111 DATA 1,81,108,128,173
    114 DATA 1,53,64,81,193
    116 DATA 1,53,64,81,217
    120 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    122 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    124 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    125 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    128 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    129 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    140 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    141 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    144 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    145 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    148 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    149 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    160 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    161 DATA .3,64,72,91,182
    164 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    165 DATA 2,72,85,108,217
    168 DATA .6,108,0,0,0
    169 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    172 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    173 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    180 DATA 1,81,103,128,162
    181 DATA 1,81,108,128,173
    184 DATA 1,53,64,81,193
    185 DATA 1,53,64,81,217
    190 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    191 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    194 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    196 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    198 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    199 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    210 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    211 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    214 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    215 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    218 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    219 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    230 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    231 DATA .3,64,72,91,182
    234 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    235 DATA 1,72,85,108,217
    236 DATA .6,108,0,0,0
    237 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    238 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    250 DATA 1.5,96,121,162,0
    251 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    252 DATA .5,96,0,0,217
    254 DATA .5,60,81,96,217
    255 DATA .5,64,81,96,217
    256 DATA .5,72,81,96,217
    258 DATA .5,81,81,96,217
    270 DATA .3,81,96,0,217
    271 DATA .3,72,96,0,217
    274 DATA .3,64,96,0,217
    275 DATA 1,72,0,0,217
    278 DATA .25,96,0,0,217
    279 DATA 1,85,108,144,217
    282 DATA .6,108,0,0,0
    283 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    284 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    290 DATA 1.5,96,121,162,217
    291 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    292 DATA .5,96,121,162,217
    294 DATA .5,60,81,121,217
    295 DATA .5,64,81,121,217
    298 DATA .5,72,81,121,217
    299 DATA .5,0,81,121,217
    310 DATA .75,53,68,91,136
    311 DATA .25,72,0,0,0
    314 DATA 2,72,85,108,217
    315 DATA .6,108,0,0,0
    318 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    319 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    320 DATA 1.5,96,121,162,0
    321 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    322 DATA .5,96,0,0,217
    324 DATA .5,60,81,96,0
    325 DATA .5,64,81,96,0
    328 DATA .5,72,81,96,217
    329 DATA .5,0,81,96,0
    340 DATA .3,81,96,121,217
    341 DATA .3,72,96,121,0
    344 DATA .3,64,96,121,0
    345 DATA .6,72,96,121,217
    348 DATA .3,0,96,0,0
    349 DATA 1,85,0,0,0
    352 DATA .6,53,0,0,217
    353 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    354 DATA .3,53,0,0,0
    360 DATA .6,40,50,60,81
    361 DATA .3,45,60,81,128
    364 DATA .6,50,60,81,243
    365 DATA .3,53,0,81,217
    368 DATA .6,60,0,81,204
    369 DATA .3,68,0,0,182
    372 DATA .6,72,0,0,162
    373 DATA .3,81,0,0,144
    380 DATA 1,53,0,0,0
    381 DATA .1,72,85,121,217
    384 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    385 DATA .1,72,85,121,217
    386 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    387 DATA .1,72,85,121,217
    388 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    389 DATA .5,72,85,121,217
    390 DATA .3,0,0,108,0
    391 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    392 DATA .3,0,0,108,0
    393 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    394 DATA .3,0,0,108,0
    395 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    400 DATA 1,81,108,128,162
    401 DATA 1,81,108,128,173
    404 DATA 1,53,64,81,193
    405 DATA 1,53,64,81,217
    410 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    411 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    414 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    415 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    418 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    419 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    430 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    431 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    434 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    435 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    438 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    439 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    450 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    451 DATA .3,64,72,91,182
    454 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    455 DATA 2,72,85,108,217
    456 DATA .6,108,0,0,0
    457 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    458 DATA .3,108,0,0,0
    462 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    470 DATA 1,81,108,128,162
    471 DATA 1,81,108,128,173
    474 DATA 1,53,64,81,193
    475 DATA 1,53,64,81,217
    480 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    481 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    484 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    485 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    488 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    489 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    500 DATA .3,60,81,96,243
    501 DATA .3,64,81,96,243
    504 DATA .2,72,81,96,243
    505 DATA 1,40,53,64,128
    508 DATA 1,40,53,64,144
    509 DATA 1,53,64,81,162
    520 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    521 DATA .3,64,72,91,182
    524 DATA .3,60,72,91,182
    525 DATA 2,72,85,108,217
    528 DATA 1,53,108,217,0
    530 DATA .5,0,0,0,217
    540 DATA 1,40,53,64,162
    542 DATA 1,40,53,64,173
    544 DATA 1,40,53,64,193
    546 DATA 1,40,53,64,217
    550 DATA 1,40,53,64,243
    552 DATA 1,40,53,64,217
    554 DATA 1,40,53,64,193
    556 DATA 1,40,53,64,173
    558 DATA 2,40,53,64,162
    559 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    560 DATA .1,40,53,64,162
    561 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    562 DATA .1,40,53,64,162
    563 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    564 DATA .1,40,53,64,162
    565 DATA 0,0,0,0,0
    566 DATA 1.7,40,53,64,162
    600 DATA 0,-1,0,0,0

  • That used to be true in my country too. For some bureaucratic issues, fax was legal-binding. For example, for public health/social pharmaceutical deliveries, it acted as a valid receipt, it was “official”. I noted fax used to improve delivery times, reducing errors.

    Also there was that psychological effect of paper.

    On the Health&Edu sector, most of the secretaries were young girls and they loved to be written something after the official receipt was delivered (the first page in the call). I would write them something as a personal sidenote, and they will do the office work like a charm. Low-rank bureaucrats love to be addressed. These “Social skills” were not used on the official first page of course, but it worked! It saved me lots of headache and phone-drama.