Another honest reply from a european, is commonly known in italy that if you want to have troubles you can always go to the country side and do a stroll among the fields and in the woodlands where based on the area you can meet friendly beasts like hogs, bears, wolves and drug dealers hiding on trees and holes in the ground making animal noises or whistling and you can find wandering drug addicts, if you cross path with one that is high enough you have a machete fight at your hand if you are lucky enough to not find the one with the handgun and if you start smelling weed an nobody is around it means you are near a cannabis plantation you can try to get some in the spirit of the adventure but be careful the local mob could think you are snitch and zero you before you can even grab a flower, so come over and bring your sword this fairy tail is awaiting you.
But on a more serious note since i roamed for real these places at night i ensure you that the woodlands are scary as it can get both if you find an animal or a person, the woodlands are the perfect place to hide for animals and shady people all over the world, this is not fantasyland and memes are just jokes.
Here an example articles about hogs destroing cocaine stashes in the woods
Plus two other on topic
The point is privacy, your political rant is irrelevant, changing software to a tesla will make the tesla still look like a tesla and OP wont solve the vandalism problem, this wont make tesla sell less car, if OP brick their car is none of your business.