I run the pi OS and support functions for the apps off of a M2 SSD that is attached via one of the USB 3.0 ports. The HDDs for media are off the other 3.0 USB in a low end NAS. I have 2 and 4 bay units. The media server has a 2 Bay drive with 2 X 10 GB drives. I have about 14 or 15 GBs of movies, TV, and music. As people get new movies, my brother rips them and I distribute to the setups at everyone’s house. Yeah we kinda have the same movies.
The 4 bay setup is a raid 10 for my photos, and other files that I can’t afford to lose. I run paperless ngx and pydio. I am swapping out pydio for photo prism. I have 20K plus photos (33 MP images). Raid 10 is complete redundancy, hot swapsble. I scanned a number of old family photo albums. Kind of a single, safe repository.
Emails? Emails? I don’t need no stinkin’ emails.
Apologies to treasure of the sierra madres.