Retired guy in the SF Bay Area. Family, photography, motorcycling, software. Author of the free Mac app GeoTag to add or update geolocation information to your images. GeoTag can be downloaded from my site or from the Mac App Store.
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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 5th, 2022
You are not logged in. If you use a Fediverse account that is able to follow users, you can follow this user. “S&M Bridge”? Don’t recall that name, but then that bridge was only a part of my regular commute for a few months back in the mid '90s. Wish I could have said the same about the SF-Oakland bay bridge.
The back and forth I remember was more in line with calling it the “San Mateo” bridge vs the “Hayward” bridge. “S&M Bridge”? Don’t recall that name, but then that bridge was only a part of my regular commute for a few months back in the mid '90s. Wish I could have said the same about the SF-Oakland bay bridge.
The back and forth I remember was more in line with calling it the “San Mateo” bridge vs the “Hayward” bridge.