The assurance that you can just write without having to worry about where the note goes is so powerful.
Exactly this! Thank you!
And thanks for the suggestions, I will check them out!
Yes, it reloads and different posts appear and I am using the website of my instance.
Some pages are only my subscriptions, but some pages are contaminated with other content, things that look like they would or could be trending on all or local.
Wenn der Vermieter ‘sein’ Auto vom Käufer zurückklaut, könnte er sich dann vor Gericht nicht genauso gut verteidigen und auf seinem Diebstahl (eigentlich ja Eigentum) sitzen bleiben und das anwaltlich ausharren? Wie schlimm wäre das?
Polizist: “Bevor wir eintrafen, soll es da so eine Situation gegeben haben.”
Ist der blind? Hat dem keiner das Video gezeigt?
“Only aim to do your duty, and mankind will give you credit where you fail.” 🫡
Can you elaborate?
This is what I mean.
The more folders, the more work it is to sort and find.
The less folders, the more cluttered each folder becomes.
The only sensible solution is to completely move away from manually browsing notes and instead using the built-in search function or index notes.
That sounds overly complicated to simulate, what you already have: a search function. (unless you are talking paperback, but then why subscribe to ObsidianMD :D)
Yes, but my folders were also long lists, which was very annoying. It doesn’t matter at some point, if you have 10 long lists or only one. You start using the built-in search function and indexing more and more anyway.
I just checked it out, because of your claim, but found it to look just like it always did. r/all is still the same, my subsribed subs are still the same. Still a lot of people posting content, asking questions, sharing stories. Not sure in what kind of bubble you live :/
Yes, it is.
It’s just that things like the Zuflussprinzip don’t seem to work as they are intended to and because you are dealing with a bureaucratic institution. It feels that these rule-made principles are prone to misuse or abuse.
ALG1 is based on your income over the past 12 months. It’s 60% of the monthly average.
ALG2 is based on your living expenses. It covers your rent plus 450-500€ depending on the number of dependants.
There are also some other benefits that one can apply for regardless of employment status, e.g. Household benefits (Wohngeld), which aims to help with covering rent with ~200€. Being eligible for these obv. requires being below a certain income threshold.
My expenses (rent, utilities and food) were pretty much covered. Obviously it wouldn’t cover a certain lifestyle, but I’m generally frugal, so I didn’t notice a difference.
the concentrations of salt and sugar aren’t just relative to each other but also relative to the water content
Thank you! I didn’t think about this.
I didn’t think about this, but it makes perfect sense. Somebody else also posted that solid food by definition would require too many carbs and amino acids so that the relation to water and electrolytes can by definition not be isotonic to the human body.
I don’t think being isotonic had any relation to how refreshing a drink is
Having the same proportions of electrolytes and water as the human body means that no electrolytes are passing through the cell barriers to establish such an equilibrium. Isotonic drinks tasting refreshing is probably just an evolutionary development to make us choose drinks that are easier on the body.
So I guess in a way, a low salt diet would be considered more “isotonic.” But solid food will inherently not be isotonic due to containing more carbs and amino acids than water.
Thank you! This is a good answer.
Difficult to say. If you keep in mind, that he wrote the sequels 30 years or so later and acknowledge that one’s views change over such a period, then go ahead. If you, however, expect the same flavor as the trilogy, then I wouldn’t recommend reading foundation’s edge and foundation and earth. And although these are meant as an introduction to the men behind time, that one makes no reference to the foundation trilogy. So it’s fine to just read the end of eternity on its own.
Thank you for this brief history lesson! I had never heard of St. Augustine and his treatise.
How do you think his argument fares now that the concept of purgatory exists?