That’s not what this post is saying, far fetched too
In constant movement
That’s not what this post is saying, far fetched too
Also true
Far fetched
My whole heart goes out to you. I am sorry.
I feel bad upvoting this but this is a support upvote not an happy one. I am sorry you’re going through this, it takes a strong person to survive all that. Are you younger than the general pop having heart attacks?
Thank you. I know a good doctor she’s just not my GP, I think I’ll take an appointment with her and try to explain to her that the emergency doctor from yesterday told me to stop my medication to see if one or several of them is causing gastrointestinal issues. I think she’d be open to it. I hope you’re better since your surgery.
Ah bah je confirme on est plus confortable ici !
Noted. I’ll try that next, I am new to the dating world.
You’re right reflecting on it I might have reacted badly too, makes me learn for the future in the dating world since I am pretty new.
Je suis nouvelle et j’ai pas forcément eu besoin de changer la langue car je comprends l’anglais mais je pense que ça dépend déjà de quelle application tu utilises pour utiliser Lemmy? J’en sais pas plus désolée je suis encore un peu perdue moi-même sur Lemmy
She just blocked me when I said it would be better for the both of us to try not to date lmao
She mentions in her bio she’s got several mental illnesses so I thought it was okay to be like “hey I struggle with bipolar too”. She then said she wasn’t willing to share her mental illnesses… Why put it up in her bio then? My bio doesn’t mention my mental illnesses. But I am still upfront about it to people I start to feel a connection with.
Faudrait que je tente ça un jour ! Quand j’étais à Marseille je traînais dans les salles qui jouaient principalement du métal mais avec des petits groupes pas très connus. L’ambiance était une tuerie !
Yes it’s for the best thank you
Thank you makes me feel like I am not crazy
Thank you. I’m having nice conversations with a cute girl and when I displayed my bipolar disorder she said it was okay and she had anxiety, social anxiety and depression which felt nice not to be judged. She also told me she’s got another chronic illness she’s not ready to talk about for now, which I am totally okay with.
Thank you I am going to try to do that !