Yeah, for fairness in online interactions, but most games (used to?) have some kind of single player where modding is ok. As I read this you literally can’t mod the game.
Yeah, for fairness in online interactions, but most games (used to?) have some kind of single player where modding is ok. As I read this you literally can’t mod the game.
It took some level of self control for me to skip this game but seriously, fuck modern Blizzard. Seeing news like this makes me feel less like I’m missing out.
Same story here, plus I loved the different “moods” thing. I don’t think I ever got past like the second screen but it’s still a game that’s stuck with me. I’ll be looking out for the remaster.
Bastard! I’ll show you!
You kind of are because I was going to but now I feel like that would seem like I’m just doing whatever you say.
I think it would be cool if the big generic “post anything we like” magazines had their own personality instead of just directly ripping off popular subreddits.
I imagine they just have a blocklist of IP ranges owned by major VPN providers.
This screenshot doesn’t indicate whether they were complying with a lawful order or volunteered the information unprompted.
We talking P. Worrell or the developer guy?
Let’s just have ChatGPT do it.