On mobile atm. Look for pi-hole + unbound. Uses root DNS. Might take a tiny bit longer to resolve at first, but as long as root DNS is uncensored it should be the way to go.
On mobile atm. Look for pi-hole + unbound. Uses root DNS. Might take a tiny bit longer to resolve at first, but as long as root DNS is uncensored it should be the way to go.
I posted it yesterday, but just in case we are facing some Fediverse cross-instance sync issue, here is what I posted. Sorry again if this is not for you then :-( Quote: I am very sorry, as I have just realized that it is only available in a single Language: German. I fear the chances are pretty low that it is of use for you, but maybe for the other German around here in the Fediverse… https://www.willuhn.de
Thank you very much! Little did I know! I will look for alternatives now… MeshCentral is the next on my list I guess.
Nutze es zwar unter Windows, aber Hibiscus begleitet mich seit vielen Jahren als zuverlässiger Partner in diesen Dingen. Müsste doch mal wieder was spenden.
I use Hibiscus for all my banking needs.Makes a direct connection to my bank. Will get you the link if there is interest when I am back home.
What is your issue with Rustdesk? I would understand if you mention Teamviewer, which runs through 3rd party servers, but Rustdesk? Is the client phoning home despite self-hosting or what do you mean? I am seriously interested.
On the other hand, I would not use RDP over the Internet without a VPN or at least an RDP Gateway in between both parties.
Also bei mir sind nun auch nach Wochen noch gut 2/3 der Communities die ich abonniert habe im Status “Abonnement ausstehend”. Das wäre nicht so tragisch, aber Inhalte aus einigen dieser Communities scheinen bei mir auch im Feed (ich nutze i.d.R. Voyager) gar nicht aufzutauchen.
Beispiele wären bei mir /c/homeassistant@lemmy.world und /c/selfhosted@lemmy.world.
Vielen Dank für den Service. Hab hier grad ´nen Account umgezogen, lief einwandfrei. Die anderen in der Familie folgen :-)
Sounds like a good Chili aftermath.