Wefwef is my top choice right now and Connect is my second favorite.
I do miss being able to swap out a phone battery and this will certainly be a step in the right direction in terms ewaste and device longevity.
One thing that I wonder about is waterproofing or water resistance. Some phones are basically waterproof in shallow water. How achievable is this with a device with a trivial way to remove the battery?
At this point, I’m not interested in folding phones. There just aren’t many reasons why I would need one right now. I suppose that they would make a nice ebook reader, but day-to-day I don’t need that. They are currently a little on the thick side to be keeping in my pocket.
I am happy that they exist and maybe when they get thinner and work out some of the kinks, I might be ore interested.
Yeah, I do agree that it feels a little out of place on Android, but currently I have been using it because it still feels polished and I haven’t had many bugs with it. Lemmy clients in general are in their early days and many are quite rough around the edges. I’ve had a lot of bugs with most of them.
Connect for Lemmy has a Material You style to it and feels like at home on Android. It uses your current Material color scheme and feels a bit similar to Sync for Reddit.