•Riding the technology wave, which of THESE devices have you owned? (Intended target around age 40 and up)English
2 years ago30yo here. I’ve only owned a Raspberry Pi. I got one in college after a friend won in a contest and didn’t know what to do with it so she gave it to me.
I did have a few toys growing up that were basically PDAs for kids.
I’ll never understand why some people talk about hyperfocus like it’s a good thing. Sure, I may have gotten the task done but I also didn’t pee, eat, drink, or even move for multiple hours straight. I have issues with stopping when I’m in that state even if I’m experiencing discomfort. I also live alone so there’s no one around to help me out of it.
Taking my meds helps a lot. It’s funny because I know a lot of us take ADHD meds to help focus more. I guess I do too but it’s more like it gives me more control of what I’m focusing on.