You missed my point.
You missed my point.
If we keep going like this, there’s gonna be a lot of actual terror, so buckle up buttercup.
The plan is to strip mine the entire area rebuilding would prohibit that.
Humorously, I bet there’s a ton of caps in there if you don’t mind dealing with the raiders.
Jon Stewart made a joke about how dems keep saying the right-wing “fever” is going to break. He showed clips all the way back to Obama.
That and more local producers. We need farming to go back to the farmers and away from the corporations.
They can ban Americans, they just won’t. I bet they’ve already made the deal.
Oh my, the systematic deportation and detainment of immigrants legally in this country and everyone turns a blind eye, but fuck with my junk mail delivery service and I’m gonna cut a bitch.
I am shocked this went to trial in WV
People don’t make dismissive comments when they aren’t upset. Also, you didn’t mention anything about how it was spent. An 3 billion euro toilet seat would be a waste.
There won’t be another election unless something happens.
Oh, did we decide on a plan yet? Or are we just meeting in groups for no reason? Can you link me to this plan? Can I see the progression? Are there any projected timelines?
If this is a project, which it is, we should have some kind of data to look at.
And since there is none, this is just going nowhere.
Oh did that upset you? Weird way to interpret that.
Lmfao, you’re so dumb you can’t even understand what I’m saying. You’re never gonna win this bud, you’re racist af.
Protesting in a group and then going home is sitting around and doing nothing, just in the cold.
Me? I’m causing property damage to right-wing things. Obviously saying more would be dumb. Could I do more? Yes.
But, complaining to me like this is enough and I’m the bad guy isn’t going to get us anywhere.
I feel like I wanna point to all the times a big protest amounted to nothing because people just went home after and did nothing.
I’m telling you the image is a racist depiction of Chinese people. This is fact. Just because you didn’t know that doesn’t mean you can post it without being called a racist. Now that you know, using it again makes you racist.
I guess it depends on how those billions are spent?
I agree with you. Crowds will become larger, and they will go home.
I like that tune