Same thing, no video on restart.
Same thing, no video on restart.
Restart from admin panel or stop and start from cmd on server?
@julian Is Video support limited to just Peertube videos? Asking this because, a video post on threads renders properly on mastodon and kokonnect(misskey fork) but only the text is displayed and not the video on my nodeb instance running 4.1.0. The post is
Below attached are the screenshots of the above post on-
1) mastodon
2) kokonnect
3) My nodebb instance
@julian Just like @pankaj-soni , I too would like to have push notifications on by default
@julian Restarting also did not change anything. Also, noticed that if a post on mastodon, lemmy or threads has an image, it is shown beside the topic headline as a thumbnail but is not rendered below the actual text as an image. I guess that once this problem is fixed, videos(or video links) will also get rendered. The same behavior is observed on both as well as my nodebb instance. Attaching screenshots of both- 1) with a lemmy post
2)my nodebb instance with a mastodon post