• 36 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2024年1月24日

  • Ok so when you talk abou inersia, does that mean that if you drive airplain in the same direction as earth rotacion you will gain more speed and inertia will get stronger than gravity and you will slowly start to levitate? And if that is trye than going in oposite direction will make you go slower than just standing on the ground and gravity should have bigger efect on you and start pushing you to the flor of airplain?

  • This is bulshit, i dont decide will i use a browser depending on who works on it, but depending on the browser itself.

    So insted of looking at browser itself this dude sugests we should look at people that work on it and asume the browser is bad if someone working on it is bad which is blindfolded deciding and its nonsense.

    So if you have malicios intent and dont have to say anything bad about the browser itself concretly and tehnical because if you lie there, many people that know how it is will say no it doesnt work that way here how it is than you just trash people that are working on it whic is wery hard to veryfi is it trye or not. And probably it isnt…

    So when we discus open source software there is no need to talk about writers of the code much because we can discus the code itself and tell concretly if something is bad. Exactly which line and why its bad.

    Anything else is just made up and malicios.

  • Luanti is great idea and one that was actualy turned to reality. Ideas like that appear only in open source world. They made engine and than anyone can make whatever game they imagine. Its so good it should be more popilar than minecraft. Also because it is better than minecraft. But despite being realy great both Luanti and Voxelibre need more work, more new content and more improwments to existing content. But for that we need to provide money to make that development possible. So we should share and donate to luanti and games in it that we like. Asuna is also interesting one. And we need more youtube content to promote the game. There is almost none gameplayes and we definitly need that.__