I like to hack on things until they break, and then figure out why they don’t go back together. Musician (kinda), programmer (even less), ham radio operator (a little more)
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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2022
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@steveyaeger@mastodon.social @mattblaze@federate.social @jgkoomey@mastodon.energy there are some really cool videos on the MRHS website about KHS, but probably the most interesting is DA sending the last sign off. https://www.radiomarine.org/mrhs-videos
@steveyaeger@mastodon.social @mattblaze@federate.social @jgkoomey@mastodon.energy there are some really cool videos on the MRHS website about KHS, but probably the most interesting is DA sending the last sign off. https://www.radiomarine.org/mrhs-videos