I’ll refer you to my other reply to answer the bits about technical choices for the most part. The extra expense on dev time is a big part of why we are looking for additional developers. We probably wouldn’t strictly need them if we were dealing with a mature engine (though I would appreciate at least one more skilled developer on the team anyways, as right now I am the only active senior dev).
I might do a first game in godot or whatever is easiest to collaborate with, then see where the team’s strength and interests lie before trying to scale out to a more ambitious project.
We’ve done a lot to figure out strengths and weaknesses, and a big part of this recruitment push is to cover some identified weaknesses. We’re not dead-set on any particular engine or project at this moment (though probably we’ll try to make sure that the space racer gets finished). It’s just that our evaluation of the situation turned up Bevy as being the likely best-fit engine for our future project ideas.
I am the dev who is familiar with software process, but in a solo context. A big part of what we need really is the skills to wrangle other people. We’ve got a couple of juniors on board who aren’t super good about communicating what they’re doing/thinking. I know what a good process and useful documentation would look like, but I don’t know the best way to go about guiding everybody else into the process.
We have a Zulip instance set up for our asynchronous communication backbone (and it does really well for this), but it isn’t getting near enough use because most of the team doesn’t really understand what the process is supposed to look like.
We’ve also got a Forgejo instance set up, which can do the Kanban process you’re describing (and probably other things as well with creative use of the issue system). Forgejo also supports wikis in a way similar to GitHub.
The oven cleaner cycle was a good idea for the resin - I’m not sure what else would have worked - but it won’t do anything more to what is already basically a form of graphite (which has an extremely high melting point, and a fairly high ignition point).
You need to oxidize the carbon. That would be bleach or hydrogen peroxide + time and, if you can, sunlight (so set it outside to soak for a bit with this stuff). This is gonna take several hours, and it may take more than one round to get all of the scorching off, but it will come off completely if you are patient and persistent enough.
EDIT: Though the method I’ve described is what I’ve done in the past, I read that heat + baking soda + water (+ vigorous scrubbing) can also work.