I’ve been replaying Dragon Quest 8 (PS2) on my Steam Deck, and it just fills me with joy. Except for the absolutely bonkers choices they hardcoded for buttons and camera movement. Ah, good times.
I’ve been replaying Dragon Quest 8 (PS2) on my Steam Deck, and it just fills me with joy. Except for the absolutely bonkers choices they hardcoded for buttons and camera movement. Ah, good times.
I’ve been suspicious that newer production lines for joysticks have been cutting costs in cheaper materials for a while now. I usually replace the joysticks when they drift, but I’m also quite comfortable to taking things apart and fixing them.
I remember my old PS2 controllers never drifted and that was back when I played hard on them every day after school. These days I hardly have time to play during the week, and they regularly go bad within a year or two.
What a horrible parry input!
I only care if the new guy gives me back the content I paid for when the game first came out.
It was even better before they ditched streaming through GeForce Experience or whatever. Moonlight + Sunshine work, but I’ve never felt like there was a good Sunshine configuration tool, and adding games manually has always been too much of a pain for me to bother with.
Would’ve loved if Horizon Zero Dawn on PC came with a manual I could read while it compiled shaders…
I think once I accidentally made a microblog when I meant to start a thread in a magazine? It felt super vague and I basically haven’t bothered making too-level posts since. I just lurk and post snark.
Can’t wait for myself to buy this in a new package with other half-assed Mario ports for $60.
I have no self-control. 😥
Shocked, but thrilled. But also VERY shocked. But in a good way.
I don’t think a game engine needs feature parity with Unreal, it just needs to be easier to get in and make something. The learning curve with Unreal is very steep and Unity’s has historically been… well, less steep (arguably?).
Unity has other problems to solve for though. Like undoing the damage from their ex-CEO.
Thank you. Obviously “we would buy them if we could” is given; but just as obviously, this was just wishful thinking out loud.
No more than it was before the DLC release, no.
Wasn’t PoE exactly this, but for Diablo 3? Apparently the Diablo series just spawns community-built competitors each generation now?
I miss Google Wave. It was my preferred way to collaborate with friends for a long time.
Agreed. I never should’ve done that.
I can vouch for the extension being useful for getting the receiver away from other USB 3 ports and cables, which as others have said is almost certainly what’s disrupting your BT signal.
I’ve dealt with the same kind of problem, and using an extension really helped, as long as I put the receiver away from USB 3 devices and cables.
I work at a company which doesn’t make games, but interacts with a lot of game devs, and employs a lot of ex-game devs; and everyone I work with is either glad they got out of game dev or glad they skipped it altogether.
I used to work for a very reasonable (smaller) game studio, and while it was fun, I still got a massive pay and quality-of-life improvement by changing careers away from making games.
Thank you for this. I had the same impression, and was starting to get annoyed; but if it comes with more features out the gate, then that’s nice!
So glad I found out about them a couple years back when the new Senua sequel announcement trailer hit and I just NEEDED to know more about that song they used.
I’m with you for 3DS. Vita was kind of a dead gen for me at the time—what are some of your favorites?