This is the biggest keyboard community in the Fediverse right now (but still very small). You can influence it a lot by just posting what you want to see. Boards you have, questions you have, GBs or whatever.
This is the biggest keyboard community in the Fediverse right now (but still very small). You can influence it a lot by just posting what you want to see. Boards you have, questions you have, GBs or whatever.
That’s brutal. The gauntlets and the amulet in the archive and the armor on Raphael are three of the absolute best pieces of gear in the game.
I stole half of them by accident without realizing she was in any way connected to the House of Hope, hours earlier. But I never found any letter or anything saying how to use them.
The downtime is causing an issue with posting content from other instances - I’ve seen this a handful of times from kbin. I post something to a community, and kbin thinks it’s there, but doesn’t see it. But, the delete request seems to need to go through, which doesn’t agree that the content exists. So my profile is filled with posts people on kbin can see, but no one else can, and I can’t delete them. Is there any kind of catch-up mechanic for instances to try to agree on what content should be present if content was altered during downtime? I can see this becoming a lot more confusing as people look at a community from multiple different instances and see different content, not realizing this is unintended behavior.
The biggest misconception I’ve seen on Reddit and elsewhere is that you need an account on every single instance if you want to interact with content on that instance, and it’s not supposed to be true but while this bug continues, it kind of is true.
I’m pretty sure I’ve found these on Amazon before. It might be either a newer or older batch though? I’ve also seen clear top with beige housing, once inside a build they should behave identically. I understand if you’d rather not buy from Amazon though.