This dude sure does like blowing things
This dude sure does like blowing things
Don’t pet a burning dog
They won’t, they don’t believe anything the EPA has to say because you can’t trust the government. It’s a circle of stupid.
This woman looks like she calls black people coloreds.
It is a false argument. Apples to oranges is a phrase used to identify a false argument.
It is a false argument. Apples to oranges is a phrase used to identify a false argument.
If you weren’t here to pick the Oranges you can’t have any apples.
There was a 45-page summary floating around but the full 100+ page text was not available. I was being snarky and I apologize.
Tell me you have never read the bipartisan immigration bill without telling me you have never read the bill.
lies told by liar…who would have guessed?
Old lady yells at grass
I am just a poor old peckerwood from South Texas but here is how I see it.
Putin is a strong man dictator who murders his rivals and dreams of a reunified Russian Empire. He committed atrocities in Chechnya and no one did shit. He took Crimea and even downed a commercial airliner and no one did anything. Well, that’s not entirely true, they filed sanctions and those sanctions were working all right, maybe not enough teeth but it was what it was. Then comes Trump and all those sanctions were rolled back. This emboldened the strong man and he invaded Ukraine outright just like he did Chechnya. Painting NATO as the aggressor and claiming Nazis run Ukraine he invaded the country. He promised he wouldn’t he even signed a treaty saying he wouldn’t. Then he did. Where does it stop? Ukraine? Moldova? Finland? When does the world say “Enough, you can’t do this.” When Putin promised not to invade Ukraine the United States and some other NATO countries made a promise outside of NATO to defend Ukraine in the “unlikely” event Putin was a full-of-shit liar who fully intended to invade Ukraine as soon as possible. Guess what ends up he was a lying piece of shit and here we are. Now we spend $75 billion to help prop up the Ukrainians and they are holding back Russia, they may not be winning but they are causing a little “Vietnam” for Russia. With the Internet and the ubiquity of phones and cameras, the whole world sees apartments bombed and cities targeted, and the hold Putin has on Russia erodes.
Now World War II in Europe cost the United States on its own $2 trillion and 200k lives which would be the equivalent of about $30 trillion in 2024 money. So here we are. If left alone Putin intends to keep going, he has said it and he has shown his hand with the invasion of Ukraine even after promising he wouldn’t. I don’t see any outcome where he stops with Ukraine. Even if he dies the people set to inherit his empire share his goals. So now it becomes a numbers game for me. Spend $75 billion arming the Ukrainians or cut our losses and eventually spend $30 trillion and 200k+ lives fighting a war in Europe to stop Russian expansion into sovereign nations that don’t want to be Russian. We could walk away, break our treaties, and abandon our obligations but then what? What would that say to China, where would that leave our allies in Asia? How would it affect trade around the world? What would the ramifications be to our daily lives? Cost of goods, fuel, electronics?
The US is not perfect, far from it but like it or not the biggest nuts in the world swing between these legs and any global conflict will be our fight so maybe we stop it cold in Ukraine…maybe we don’t…it sure seems like world governments are hell-bent for war so IDK. We will see soon enough though so love your family be kind to your neighbors and live while the living is good because a storm is rising and in this modern day and age it’s going to be bloody as shit.
Plus it’s easier to kiss your ass goodbye when you have your head between your legs lol
See this is what happens when you stop having nuke drills in school. Kids these days think we will do anything other than get vaporized lol. Duck and cover mother fucker.
You just aren’t looking hard enough…trust us, bro google it.
Trust me, bro, they cheated. I can’t show you how but if you google it it’s out there. Just google it.
Hospitable, kind welcome. A big bag of cash welcome
Got to check in with the boss so you doing hear “you’re fired”
These are jokes of course lol see I wrote lol jokes
I can agree with that for sure.
Biden has done so much good and helped get this country back into a sane space in an insane time full of outright lies and misinformation. It is admirable but he is losing this race in the media and his policy of feeding the machine in the Middle East is eroding his base and alienating his minority voters. You can ignore it and you can make excuses but it is not going away. I can understand people wanting him to step aside and the party nominate someone else. The problem is the party has no one else that can garner the support needed to beat Trump. The right does not care, they don’t have a problem with a rapist con artist leading their party. Trump has said everything he is going to do and the party is numb to outright illegal behavior. Maybe this awakens the left voters who historically don’t vote…I hope it works, I will vote for Biden because I can’t in good conscience vote for the right and their current agenda.
Anyway, that’s my take…but what do I know, I’m just some peckerwood from south Texas.
Hahahahahahahahaha fuck them kids…both figuratively and literally.