I moved to using DeepSeek which should have a much better energy efficiency compared to ChatGPT with same maybe even better results.
Pretty much the only things I use LLMs with ttrpgs is when I want to customize something I have an example of.
For example when I find a some kind of random table that has great format or style I like but doesn’t fit the area I would yo use it on I give it to LLM to produce similar but something that is more fitted to my need.
Edit: the other way I use LLMs is to translate texts as we don’t play in English.
The Crew -games would be pretty similar to The Game.
Multi-session cooperatives:
Single-session cooperatives:
You can also use search like this to figure out something that really fits to your table (Might take long to load!): https://bggbester.netlify.app/?b64=AhMCAgUABgAPAxAlA-gCAwsDCxUFGwMMAw0ldTAHFQUcABMDEgMRJQfqFAMVAwQCFgAZABcAGAABAhgKB-cYCgsE