• 7 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • This is just to add a strategy that helps me out.

    The reason I caught on to this ‘‘nuance fetishism’’ some time ago was by looking at function. What is the function of nuance? What does it do, and whom does it benefit? What is the function of ‘‘leftists’’ who parrot their western media and repeat the same shit the right says, for example? They may claim to be nominally leftwing, but functionally they’re rightwing. Names don’t matter shit, what matters is what names do. What good am I doing by pissing into the sea? If everyone is criticizing say, China right now, on every news show and YT channel, what is the point, if I wish to counteract their bullshit, of me repeating the same crap those channels are saying? Or lending a shred of credence to their factually incorrect takes? If I want to convince you about my point, will adding critiques function as strengths or weaknesses to my point? In my opinion, they weaken my point, because we cannot give an iota to reaction. This brings me to a related point to nuance which is ‘‘balance’’. Balance, Bothsiding and Nuance, are the trifecta of liberalism, and function as the same thing: justifying the status quo. What are they functionally doing? What is the function of bothsiding? When you equivocate, speak from both sides of your mouth, are you to be taken seriously? In words, you’re not taking a position, but functionally, you’ve taken the position of the status quo. What is the function of saying, for example, with regards to Palestine, that ‘‘it’s complicated’’? To not do shit about it, and condemn those that do, like Ansar Allah and Hamas. This also adds the trick of ‘‘muddying the waters’’, of ‘‘equalizing’’ opposing forces as both bad. Let’s not forget the all time Christmas classic, ‘‘harm reduction’’, or more colloquially known as ‘‘voting for the lesser evil’’, which are related to ‘‘all governments are bad’’, and function as means of quelling change or believing in an alternative.

  • I think they’re more sane. There’s no open-carry, they do background checks, if you are deemed mentally unwell, then can’t carry, and stuff like that. You know, just the basic stuff you see everywhere.

    *Edit: Thought I should add that our Wal-Marts don’t sell ammo or guns out in the open, not sure if it’s like that in every Wal-Mart over there, but not here. You gotta go to a certified armory with your ID and permit. Of course, there’s an underground market, and some folks go that route. But in mainstream society over here, guns are looked at very much like some libs would, they find them scary, unnecessary and dangerous. We do have gun violence, though, but nothing like school shootings, thank fuck.