• 21 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2022


  • The neutral criticism piece I actually disagree with. I think it’s equally on the people’s perception as it is on the person delivering/intention, and in a society where most people are going to be much more likely to be responsive to a positive languaged critique, there is no reason not to. We don’t have to be logic-lords or Spock, we’re humans and we like to be reassured and talked to nicely even when we are wrong. This is all assuming the person is good faith ofc.

    It probably differs based on who you’re talking to, y’know, other comrades can probably take a little more direct language compared to some random newbie but I think it stands regardless, you have to frame it in a way that is digestible because of the large possibility that it could be blocked by your tone and their response to it. If we want to be practical, we need to consider this.

    Personally I still agree with you lol, and am working on/getting better at taking direct criticism as not personal. But that doesn’t mean we should expect everyone to take it that way, it’s just not the way most people think.

    Edit: everything else you said I agree with though, I still just have my own issues I listed above lol ^

  • I hope I’m not crucified for this but I can’t stand this guy. People have made good points about him, and theoretically/intellectually he is brilliant - we all know communists need to be engaged in serious business and not just spam posting memes and hanging out in our circle-jerk platforms.

    But is he not a flaming hypocrite? I swear I’ve read something about how he isn’t even involved in an organization because he “just can’t find anything serious enough” (this could be a dream on my part tho) - that is just insufferable. There are a few good orgs in the US/Canadian area and it’s ridiculous to throw everything out because they don’t adhere to page 4858584 line 5 of some obscure Marxist’s writing. It seems to me that he dishes out criticism after criticism and spams writings on the internet, engaging in borderline useless beef that doesn’t get much traction, all while being… chronically online himself?

    I just think that like, anyone who is willing/able to understand/actually applying this level of Marxist thought isn’t just sitting online anymore and doesn’t need constant “takedowns” because someone said something vaguely wrong. JT makes one iffy MMT video that is literally one of his least effectual creations and dude wets his pants over it. I’m not saying don’t criticize but the frequency in which he makes them, combined with his harsh ass wording, combined with the (maybe?) fact that he is not even doing anything serious in real life? Rubs me the wrong way and just paints the stereotypical insufferable communist picture we all know.

    He extrapolated very erroneously that anyone said don’t read theory here, and although the “you have to be a literal slave to be a commie” is braindead, he seems to latch on to literally anything that could be false and go deboonk mode.

    Part of flowing through the masses and being one of them is not being an insufferable nerd. If this guy preaches sincerity and seriousness, then I think we should get serious that this rhetoric and behavior online isn’t doing shit other than MAYBE fine-tuning already-ML-aligned people. There’s a use for that, but good lord, if he tried this shit in an organization he would be hated. You can’t be obnoxious to your comrades or random members of society if you expect anything.

    I could be going too harsh here honestly, I just have had these thoughts for quite a while and never really said anything lol. If it is proven true that he is in fact in a real life org then a lot of this would fall through and I would only stand on “stop being annoying” point, but I don’t know. You have to be personable and digestible to be an effective communist, not just “I know my shit and you don’t and here’s why”

    Mucho texto over, burn me alive if necessary

    Edit: Stawp downvoting me and explainnnnn

  • First part makes definite sense. Completely unacceptable to have that kind of thing just laying around for anyone, especially considering the pettiness that is sometimes present within leftist organizing lol.

    Last part also good point. Yeah, I mean, shit we don’t really know until we are there. But I think we can get more and more of an idea and closer to saying yes as we get more involved in this organizing. We are in danger for before the feds have us in the cell. But yet we continue. That to me signals something brave

  • The security concern is understandable and we should take necessary measures and keep important things between trusted people in real life, but we need to be honest with ourselves that we are under surveillance at all times anyways.

    We’ve expressed more than communist sympathies online and in real life. We are high on the watch list (that literally everyone is on anyways).

    Organizing definitely has pig and fed supervision and even infiltration. You should assume there is someone untrustworthy around you at all times.

    But this does not mean we stop organizing, or slow down, or cower. If we have this weird pursuit of perfect privacy, we will do absolutely nothing. Because it doesn’t exist.

    At some point we need to break through this fear of “getting got” because of bad security and recognize that it doesn’t take anything for the feds and pigs to do terrible things anyways. If you’re actually organizing in real life, if you’re actually active, you’re eventually going to need to be clear on your goals. And that right there blows your “security”.

    If we are too scared to put ourselves in ANY amount of danger just through supervision, how do you expect us to actually carry a revolution forward?

    I’d ask you all to consider the concept of revolutionary suicide, or at the very least, revolutionary sacrifice. It’s true, engaging in this may lead us to prison or death. And no amount of security is going to prevent that from happening when the going gets going. Is that worth it to you? Do you have the drive to live a life free that is so strong you’d give up everything for it? I say this not as a finger pointing or “you’re weak” thing, but a genuine question. I don’t blame you if the answer is no.

    Once again, before I get crucified, I am not advocating against basic security measures to filter out feds and keep classified information in the hands of trusted people. I am pushing back at the overall theme I see specifically with online lefties that prioritizes security so heavily that we can’t share our names or general locations with these established orgs as if the feds don’t have this already. I’m pushing back against the overwhelming fear some people seem to have (justifiably) because we don’t need that right now. We need resistance. And that is dangerous.

  • Definitely good, but how serious are you about the pictures thing?

    Every event I’ve ever been to I’ve wanted to amplify and the way to do that is through videos and posting pictures. Obviously your face and other people’s faces should try to stay out of it, but just a span of the size of the crowd isn’t hurting anyone.

    I might be biased because I am honestly at the point of just saying fuck it with my identity being linked to communism. If the pigs want to find me, they already have plenty of evidence of me being involved with this and there’s no shame in my game. They don’t need a reason to do something to me, so I might as well amplify and document this shit.

    I do agree about clothing and blending in.